How To Protect Your Baby From Insect Bites

How To Protect Your Baby From Insect Bites
How To Protect Your Baby From Insect Bites

With the first heat, insects are activated, which can bring a lot of trouble to parents and cause trouble for babies. The main problem in protecting young children from insects is that almost any specialized insect repellant can cause allergies. You can cover a child lying in a stroller with a mosquito net and keep the space around him from the appearance of insects. When buying a stroller for future use in the summer, you immediately need to attend to the purchase of a mosquito net. There are also fragrant insect repellent bracelets on sale.

Protection against insect bites
Protection against insect bites

The most difficult thing is to protect from bites a baby who has already begun to walk. The child learns the world around him, gets acquainted with ants, mosquitoes, and other insects. There are some simple ways to make this acquaintance the least traumatic. If a child is prone to allergies and the use of creams, milk and other insect repellents is excluded, you have to resort to folk methods and other means of struggle. Wear loose fitting clothing when dressing your child for a walk. Tight clothing will not prevent mosquito bites.

To avoid being bitten by stinging insects, which include bees, wasps, horseflies and hornets, you should not give your child sweets while walking. When leaving with your baby to the dacha, do not forget to take a first-aid kit with insect sprays (which can be used on the street, spraying directly at the location of insects), disinfectants, balms and ointments after bites (be sure to read the instructions on the package!), Means, reducing itching and, as a result, scratching the bite site. The most harmless ways to relieve the unpleasant sensations of a mosquito bite: treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of soda and apply a cotton swab moistened with vodka. If a child has been bitten by a bee or a wasp, it is urgent to treat the bite site with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate and remove the sting. Some forms of allergic reactions to stinging insects can be life threatening. Basically, we are talking about bites in the area of the lips, tongue, swallowing an insect. A strong one can cause a choking attack. In such cases, you need to urgently seek medical help. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to quickly remove the poison from the body.

Some plants that produce strong scents are known to repel annoying insects. These include: geranium, cloves, anise, eucalyptus, tea tree oil and wormwood. The combination of fragrant plants and mosquito nets on the windows of the room in which the child is located will help to avoid painful bites. There are now fumigators on the market with plates or liquid that can be used in nurseries to protect babies.
