How To Help A Child After An Insect Bite

How To Help A Child After An Insect Bite
How To Help A Child After An Insect Bite

Even after taking all the preventive measures to protect the child from insects, it is possible that they will still get to the delicate skin of your child and leave their not always safe marks there. It is important to know how to deal with these situations and how to minimize the effects of bites.

honeybee, bee
honeybee, bee

After being bitten by midges, mosquitoes, horseflies, you can use folk remedies, for example, a solution of soda. It relieves swelling, reduces itching

You can use a special pencil for children with a cooling effect, it relieves itching. Also, children use pharmaceutical drugs, such as "Malavit", it soothes the skin, has anti-inflammatory properties. If the bite site itches a lot, apply a cooling compress.

When an allergy occurs, the child is given an antihistamine in an age-specific dosage, and special antiallergic ointments are applied topically.

After being bitten by a bee or a wasp, it is imperative to take antihistamines, because a serious allergic reaction may develop

The wasp usually does not leave its sting, unlike the bee. In the latter case, the sting is immediately removed. This is done with tweezers. The bite site is washed with water and treated with any antiseptic.

If they find that they have been bitten by a tick, then it is better to immediately go to a medical institution so that workers can correctly remove the insect

You can try to do it yourself, but very carefully. Then you need to put the tick in a closed container for analysis. Treat the wound. Take prophylactic drugs in an age-specific dosage. The list of drugs will be suggested by the pharmacist at the pharmacy or prescribed by the doctor.

If the condition worsens, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
