How To Raise A Teenager

How To Raise A Teenager
How To Raise A Teenager

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When a child becomes a teenager, a difficult period begins for him and for his parents. The son or daughter stops obeying, does not want to help around the house, is rude and snarls in response to all the appeals of adults. A way out of this situation will help to find knowledge about the peculiarities of the psychology of a teenager.

How to raise a teenager
How to raise a teenager


Step 1

In adolescence, a child revisits all aspects of his life. The rules and norms instilled in him by his parents, and stereotypes of behavior are criticized. In the first place comes the desire for independence and self-affirmation. Relationships with friends are of great importance. It is the peers who become the objects of imitation. Understand that all manifestations of rudeness, obstinacy and stubbornness are attempts to resist parental dictate and pressure. The teenager begins to become aware of himself as a person. He has a need for more rights and freedoms than in childhood. Not knowing how to get what he wants, the child breaks down and becomes rude from powerlessness. Teenagers worry about their physical development and appearance. And this behavior is completely normal for adolescence.

Step 2

Try to talk to your teen like an adult - this is the only way to be heard. Try to talk frankly with your son or daughter, ask how best to change your communication. Be more interested in your teen's relationships with friends. Be more democratic and remove total control. If the child wants to do something that is not immoral, forbidden or too expensive pleasure, give up the inhibitions.

Step 3

Respect his choice, do not lecture your teenager about how to dress. Do not blame, but talk about your feelings about what is happening. Listening to the statements of your child, allow him to have his own opinion, to disagree with you. Try to explain your point of view without imposing anything on the teenager. It is not easy, but in this way you can create an atmosphere of mutual respect between you.

Step 4

A characteristic feature of adolescence is increased emotional tension and excitability. Often, the child tries to hurt the most painful places, blames, calls them bad parents. Do not accept the challenge to keep the battle from firing. Go to another room, cool off, but do not participate in such an argument. Try to be persistent and consistent. Empty threats and harsh punishments will only receive a tough rebuff and opposition from your grown-up child.
