Rules For Taking Smecto For Newborns

Rules For Taking Smecto For Newborns
Rules For Taking Smecto For Newborns

"Smecta" for newborns is available in the form of a white powder. You can buy this drug over the counter at any pharmacy. "Smecta" is usually used to treat colitis, dysbiosis, esophagitis and duodenitis in infants, preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescents and even adults.

Rules for taking smecto for newborns
Rules for taking smecto for newborns

If a newborn has poor sleep or wakes up frequently, it is possible that he is worried about colic and bloating. These are the most common ailments in infancy. To solve such problems, pediatricians often prescribe drugs that normalize digestion, and especially often "Smecta".

This is an inexpensive, but very effective drug that not only allows you to get rid of all the symptoms of stomach upset, but also really help your child to recover. Most parents say that the money paid for this medicine is well spent. After all, the baby experiences tremendous relief after using it.

The main component of Smecta is dioctahedral smectite. It has a three-layer dixoid-crystalline structure, which is complex in composition and has a high degree of viscosity.

The composition of "Smekta" allows you to strengthen the intestinal resistance to the effects of harmful microorganisms and create an additional protective barrier in its mucous membrane, which helps to increase the resistance to such factors. The protection is enhanced due to the interaction of Smecta substances with the glycoproteins of the parietal mucus contained in the intestinal lining.

How does Smecta help newborns?

Reception "Smekta" leads to the fact that most newborns disappear discomfort and painful sensations in the intestines, as the drug soothes irritated bile acid, toxins, mineral salts and bacteria mucous membrane.

As a result of the course of treatment with Smecta, only useful substances remain in the newborn's body, which the drug does not affect (selective adsorption), and new bacteria no longer enter the intestines.

When taking "Smekta", the inflamed microflora is restored due to the fact that the drug absorbs and removes harmful substances, unsplit carbohydrates, gases and other waste generated as a result of digestive processes. "Smecta" itself is not absorbed by the intestines, but leaves it practically unchanged.

How to take "Smecta" correctly?

Newborns are allowed to give "Smecta" in the amount of no more than one sachet per day. Moreover, the baby should not drink it at one time, but take it in small portions for 24 hours.

Before giving the drug to a child, it must be dissolved in 50 ml of water, breast milk, infant formula or any other liquid commonly used as a drink for a baby. The bottle is shaken until the "Smekta" is completely dissolved in it.

Duration of application of "Smekty" - from 3 to 7 days. Further, the baby's body will need rest, so the use of the drug will need to be stopped. If the child is taking any other medications, including vitamins, "Smecta" should be given no earlier than an hour or two after taking them, otherwise it will not work. If, after taking it, vomiting begins or the body temperature rises, it means that the baby is allergic to certain components of the drug, or the rules for its intake or dosage have been violated.
