How To Choose A Toy For A Child, Taking Into Account The Age?

How To Choose A Toy For A Child, Taking Into Account The Age?
How To Choose A Toy For A Child, Taking Into Account The Age?

Of course, toys for a newborn and, say, for a three-year-old baby are significantly different. That is why it is worth knowing what toys are required for children of different ages.

how to choose a toy for a child
how to choose a toy for a child

Up to six months, kids are interested in rattles that hang over the crib. You can look at them and try to reach out with your hands. Toddlers love musical carousels, they soothe and develop creativity. However, a six-month-old child needs more development.

Children begin to touch objects with their fingers instead of the whole palm, so it's time to buy toys in the form of rubber squeaks. Bright multi-colored pyramids will also be interesting for the child. True, at first such a pyramid will, of course, be drawn up incorrectly, therefore, the participation of parents in the game process will be required. Cubes are also relevant at this age.

Having mastered these toys, you need to further develop the child's fine motor skills. Now children can play with a construction set, a drum, and any wind-up toys. After a year, you can buy a drawing board for your son or daughter. But toys that have wheels train balance. Boys choose cars, and girls choose strollers for dolls. However, for these purposes, any other toys that can be pushed in front of you are also suitable.

After the age of three, children can play with a wide variety of toys, even those that include small details, although parental control, in any case, must be present.
