Is It Important To Take Into Account The Opinion Of The Child

Is It Important To Take Into Account The Opinion Of The Child
Is It Important To Take Into Account The Opinion Of The Child

Any parent should be able to find a common language with their child. Trust and correct communication will help to understand the problems and fears of the child and explain to him some of the difficulties that arise in relations between people, parents, friends.

Is it important to take into account the opinion of the child
Is it important to take into account the opinion of the child

The opinion that the baby should not delve into family problems or secrets after reaching a certain age, and also that when he grows up, he will understand everything is a misconception. Most often, the opposite reaction occurs when children blame one of the parents for many problems, and even worse, when they transfer the blame onto themselves. This is how many complexes and psychological problems arise.


The first step to understanding with your child is to show interest in his affairs, studies, interests and other important things. It is especially worth considering the reaction to behavior and words spoken unconsciously, for example, during a quarrel between a husband and wife. Children do not understand the difference between an emotional outburst and just a spoken phrase. Everything that adults say, and especially parents, is "absorbed" and rethought by the child. Many children are afraid of being abandoned, they blame themselves for bad relations with their parents, it is difficult to experience when they are given bad grades or when something breaks due to their fault.

If the child is calmly, without negative emotions, explain the importance of the situation, the value of a broken thing or wrong behavior, then the child's attitude will be more trusting, fear will disappear. Over time, this behavior will be natural. In a difficult situation, the baby will not withdraw into himself, but will come to mom or dad for advice.

Do not intimidate a child in order to manipulate his behavior. When he is told about evil people or terrible brownies who will come for him if he behaves badly, then it is not known what such fear can develop into.

The kid should feel like a part of the family, and not an outcast and unworthy. You can start by asking questions about choosing clothes or personal items, as well as asking his opinion about renovating the children's room or choosing a place to walk. Of course, the opinion of children is not always rational and correct, but you can agree with them or clearly explain the features of behavior.

Every child is a person who was not born of his own free will. He is not obliged to do what his relatives want him to do. But in any baby, an inner impulse should manifest itself, which is responsible for helping parents, caring for them, respecting their surroundings. This is possible only with the correct upbringing of the necessary values in their children.
