Neurosis is one of the most common nervous diseases that every child can face. There are many reasons for this disease. They are conventionally divided into biological and socio-psychological reasons.

Biological reasons. These include: hereditary characteristics of the central nervous system, the structure of the brain, intrauterine trauma. But one of the most common biological causes is the mother's anxiety during childbirth. Not every pregnant woman pays attention to her mental health, focusing on physical health. However, all emotional experiences (especially increased anxiety and stress) have a strong impact on the baby. It is recommended to visit a psychologist even before pregnancy, at the stages of planning a child. The psychologist will prepare the expectant mother for all the difficulties and worries associated with pregnancy.
Socio-psychological reasons include parental divorce, death of loved ones, lack of attention and care, domestic violence, etc. Ideally, the child should grow up in a complete family, in a healthy, supportive atmosphere of love and support. However, there are situations when it is simply impossible to avoid the traumatic factor - the death of loved ones. Such losses are very stressful for the child. With such strong shocks, it is advisable to hold a timely conversation with a specialist so that he helps prevent possible manifestations of the current situation.
The main thing to remember is that the guarantee of a child's mental health is the mental health of his parents.