Risk Group And Causes Of Childhood Neuroses

Risk Group And Causes Of Childhood Neuroses
Risk Group And Causes Of Childhood Neuroses

Neurosis is a certain disorder that affects the human psyche. Typically, this condition is reversible. It is possible to cure a neurotic condition in both an adult and a child. In order to correct the disorder in childhood quickly and successfully, it is important to determine the root cause. And also, parents should know which children are directly at risk.

Why does a child have neurosis
Why does a child have neurosis

Childhood neurosis, regardless of its form, develops due to traumatic circumstances. In one case, the cause of the neurosis can be a strong fear, in the other - some really difficult life circumstances. Individual personality traits play an important role. Experts identify the five most common reasons that provoke the onset of neurosis in childhood.

Typical causes of neuroses in children

It should be noted right away that neurosis is such a painful condition that can be inherited. Therefore, some doctors are of the opinion that if a child has a neurosis, then he was genetically predisposed to this. In addition, there is one more nuance: often a neurotic disorder is formed on the basis of a certain somatic disease. In this case, neurosis becomes a symptom of a physiological disease, accompanies it and is cured only in a situation when the disease disappears.

In other cases, a neurotic disorder usually occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. wrong - toxic - education; excessive control, overprotection, physical punishment as a means of education can give rise to neurosis;
  2. unfavorable living conditions; according to statistics, children who live and grow up in inadequate conditions very often suffer from neuroses; a neurotic state can develop in a child who is completely left to himself, which parents do not attend to at all; mental disorders are formed in those children who are forced to live in a family with parents-aggressors, in conditions when someone from the immediate environment has alcohol dependence, and so on;
  3. abrupt changes in the usual living conditions; moving, the divorce of mom and dad, the beginning of school, the birth of a sister or brother - all this can become the root cause due to which the child will have symptoms of neurosis;
  4. crisis situations, strong and prolonged stress, constant internal overstrain also belong to the category of reasons why childhood neurosis occurs;
  5. conflicts that are constantly present in a child's life can gradually cause a neurotic disorder; quarrels and problems can be both within the family and, for example, in the school team.

In rare cases, neurosis develops as a result of severe intoxication of the child's body.

Risk group

Not every child, even when faced with a situation that can cause neurosis, is faced with the further development of a negative state. Which children are more susceptible to the formation of a neurotic disorder?

Often, neurosis occurs in those children who have a rather weak nervous system. If a child is very impressionable, by nature anxious and fearful, then he is at risk. It is also necessary to be attentive to those children who do not know how to overcome stress at all, take various events too close to their hearts, especially those having a negative connotation. Suspicious children who are prone to "getting stuck" in situations and emotions are also at risk.

Most often, a neurotic disorder develops in preschoolers. However, some adolescents also fall into the category of those who may develop neurosis. A particular risk appears in the case when a teenager lives an overly active life, he is very busy, studying both at school and in any circles, sections.

The development of neurosis is also typical for child leaders who all the time tend to dominate and gravitate towards manipulative behavior.

At risk are those individuals who have a very rich imagination, who tend to fantasize for a long time, plunging headlong into non-existent worlds and situations. In addition, parents of an introverted child should be especially careful to monitor him, since according to statistics, it is introverts who are especially at risk of developing a neurotic state both in childhood and in adulthood.
