The worst dream for many is going to the dentist. Many adults postpone the visit to the last, and what can we say about children who are afraid of all people in white coats. Parents will have to go to little tricks.

Step 1
The success of this event also depends on how you yourself feel about going to the dentist. If the child has already heard horror stories from you about dental treatment more than once, even those told not to him personally, but flashed in conversation, then he has perfectly learned that this procedure is not a pleasant one. Therefore, with a child, do not conduct near-medical conversations, because it is not yet known how many times and to which doctor he will have to be led.
Step 2
First, find a clinic or doctor that specializes in small patients. Such clinics should have a special tool, drugs that can be given to children. The staff has experience working with children and takes into account all the nuances of treatment and communication with them.
Step 3
The child must be prepared in advance for the visit to the dentist. Do not make a secret out of the visit, otherwise it may end in hysteria and the child's refusal to even sit in the doctor's chair. Tell the child that on such and such a date he will go to the doctor to treat his teeth. That it needs to be done for such and such a reason. But don't get too aggravated in medical terms. And do not say what exactly they will do with the child. A kid can be scared by saying, for example, that a tooth will be removed. Better tell that the doctor will just look at his teeth and decide what to do. You can explain why you need to care for your teeth and what can happen if you don't. But there is no need to focus too much on this. Give your child information about the upcoming visit to the doctor, but in no case, do not escalate the situation.
Step 4
But with older children, such tricks will no longer work. Here we must act openly. Inform the child about the upcoming visit to the doctor, and if he begins to be stubborn and cry, offer him in exchange for treatment to fulfill his desire. For example, a girl dreams of a certain doll. Promise to buy it and keep your promise. Moreover, the child should receive the toy upon leaving the clinic or at home. He must immediately make sure that his parents did not deceive him. And the next time a visit to the dentist will not turn into a series of tantrums. But such a method on the part of the child should not turn into blackmail. Therefore, the desired gift should not be very expensive.