Girls are very difficult people. When they do something nice, they, for some reason, start crying, and if you just say "thank you", they may be offended and not call back. It is sometimes difficult to understand them, but you can learn to communicate with them if you approach the issue thoroughly. You need to thank the girl, but you have no idea how to arrange it?

Step 1
Help in return. If you do not know the girl well enough and the relationship does not imply further rapprochement, you can simply say an eloquent "thank you" to her, providing a reciprocal favor. Any young lady, of course, will be very pleased if you help her in solving some daunting task or do something that she herself would be embarrassed to ask for. A classmate can help out on the exam or help with writing an essay, and it will be appropriate for a neighbor on the staircase to help with moving or fixing some equipment. Of course, you should not grab onto matters in which you are not very versed, but to the best of your own strength, you may well be able to help. The girl will appreciate it.
Step 2
Invite your loved one to a restaurant or get tickets for an event she has long dreamed of attending. If you are romantically involved, it is much easier to say thank you. It is important for every woman that a man cares about her and wants to fulfill her most cherished desires, so try to remember everything she ever dreamed of or asked for, and surprise her with this. Of course, it is not always possible to shell out a round sum, but, believe me, this is not at all necessary. If your feelings are sincere, but there really is no money at all, give the girl a beautiful card with a gentle declaration of love and tell her how grateful you are and how dear she is to you.
Step 3
Win her heart if you are not yet together, but this is part of your plans. The girl did you a favor, which means that she is not indifferent to you either. Why not start courtship with a gesture of gratitude? At the same time, you have a great opportunity to really thank the girl and an excuse to ask her out on a date. Even if you don't want to go that far yet, and your sympathy hasn't grown into something more, you can always give a huge bouquet of flowers. Believe me, this is much more eloquent than phrases like "Well, this is … thanks!"