How To Deal With The Physical Development Of Children From 1 To 5 Years Old

How To Deal With The Physical Development Of Children From 1 To 5 Years Old
How To Deal With The Physical Development Of Children From 1 To 5 Years Old

The main thing in raising a child is harmony. In addition to mental, it is imperative to engage in physical development. It's easier to work on a specific schedule. See what points to include in the lesson plan.

How to deal with the physical development of children from 1 to 5 years old
How to deal with the physical development of children from 1 to 5 years old

Ball games

Start simple: put your baby in front of you and roll a ball to each other. Then show how to catch and throw the ball. For a child, these simple actions are difficult, because he still has poorly developed coordination of movements and little strength. Be patient. With practice, the kid will understand exactly how to catch and throw. The main thing is regular training.

Towards the age of 3, teach your baby to throw the ball against the wall and pick it up on the return fly. So that the child does not get bored of the monotony of exercises, come up with ball games. For example, they can knock out targets, which let them be stuffed animals. Or throw the ball into the hoop on the floor. Here's another variation: you need to roll the ball along an impromptu path (limited by scarves or ropes at home, or drawn in chalk on the street). The width of the track may vary depending on the age and abilities of the baby.

At about the 4th year of life, a child can learn to toss a light ball up. For one-year-old babies, exercises on a fitball are more suitable: put the child on his stomach on the ball and gently roll it back and forth. Move the fitball so that the baby makes an effort to hold the upper part of the body in a horizontal position. This is a very useful exercise that strengthens the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back, and also has a good effect on posture.


First you need to teach the kid to jump in place. A two-year-old child may well be shown how to jump forward. Please note that this exercise is difficult for some children. But closer to the age of 3, it should work out.


Walking barefoot on a massage mat is very helpful. You don't have to take the time to do this. If your toddler walks barefoot all the time, just place a small rug in the center of the room. During the game, the child will periodically walk on the massage surface.

Teach your baby to keep balance. To do this, you can put a narrow board on the floor and make sure that the child does not leave such a path. Support the child at first. You can gradually replace the board with a bench.

For the physical development of the child, a change in load is useful. For example, ask him to walk on toes, then on heels, then quickly, then slowly, then forward, then backwards, then straight, then in a half-squat. Focus on your baby's ability. You need to increase the difficulty of the exercises very gradually.

Other exercises

The child will love the following exercise: you need to portray animals with which he is already familiar. For example, let it jump like a frog, flap its "wings" like a bird, crawl like a worm, or walk on a bear. Fun and exercise are guaranteed.

Try to exercise every day after night and day sleep. Dance with your child, practice logos. Arrange obstacle courses for your child that he must go around: go around toys, crawl under a chair, climb a small mountain. Collective games are useful: catch-up, hide-and-seek. It's great if there is a horizontal bar or wall bars at home.
