Child Development At 2 Years Old

Child Development At 2 Years Old
Child Development At 2 Years Old

At two years old, the child is already quite a smart kid. He is well developed physically, speaks a lot of words, understands parents and tries to help them. At two years old, children, like sponges, absorb everything they see and hear. Therefore, this is a wonderful age to take on something new and unknown.

Child development at 2 years old
Child development at 2 years old

Physical development

Walk a lot with your child on the street. Outside the home, there is more space for the physical development of the baby. Walk with your baby on curbs, beams, steps to develop his sense of balance. Jump with your child on stumps or over obstacles, climb up and down vertical ladders. You can help the child hang on the horizontal bar, this perfectly develops the muscles of the arms. Jump with the baby in place on two legs, later teach him to jump on one leg. Play with the ball: throw it to each other, throw it up against the wall. Run: fast, slow, single file.

Fine motor skills

Develop your child's fine motor skills. In the future, this will affect his speech. To do this, draw with pencils, brushes or just your fingers on a drawing paper. Bring different shapes, animals, or flowers together. Give the child plasticine; show how it can be crumpled and stretched. Invite your baby to pour small parts (buttons, cereals) from one glass to another. In the sandbox, don't just dig the sand, but teach how to make Easter cakes, or build a garage for a typewriter, a house for a doll.

Labor activity

A child at this age is actively interested in what the parents are doing and tries to copy their behavior. Let him help you in your affairs: wash the floor or dishes, vacuum or simply sweep with a broom, wipe the dust. Let you have to redo everything, but do not discourage the child. Such help to parents will educate in him the beginning of his labor activity.


Teach your child to distinguish boys from girls. Explain the differences between them, and have them show who is who as they walk. Teach colors, shapes with your child: offer to collect toys of only one color or shape during the game. Create situations for your child to think about what to do. For example, how to get a rolling ball out from under the bed. Give your child simple riddles, but help them guess at first. Teach your child to navigate in space (left, right, above, below). Play with the kid the games "Who eats what?", "Who lives where?" or "Whose tail is this?"


Talk to your child all the time. Speak your words clearly, because the child is copying adults. And if you lisp with him, then he will become a habit. Always answer the child's questions or attempts at communication from the child. Stimulate onomatopoeia in him: ask how animals, birds talk; like planes or trains hum.


Teach the concept of "a lot - a little" with your child. Learn the number of objects (1 - 2, it is too early for such a kid to memorize more). Sort toys by size (various buttons, pasta, cubes). Build together towers of cubes or cups of decreasing size.

Attention and memory

Play the game "Find": have the child search for the toys hidden by you; on the street ask for objects in the child's line of sight. There is a game "Find a Pair". It is more complicated than the previous one: you need to find two identical among the pictures or toys. During such games, the child's attention and his ability to concentrate on the subject of interest develops. You can develop memory by playing games such as What's Gone: hide a few toys around the room with your toddler, and then ask him to find them from memory. You can play the game "Thimbles": take several glasses and put a small toy under one. Ask your child to remember which glass the toy is under. Later, the number of cups can be increased.

Musical perception

Musical perception is very important for child development. Listen to children's songs with your baby, sing along. Play classical music for your child, let him listen to fast and slow tempos. Dance with your child to different music: spin, clap your hands, jump, stomp.

At two years old, most children are equally developed, but after six months the difference will be visible. Children with whom the parents were actively involved will be more developed in all respects. Your kids deserve the best - spend some time studying with them.
