A good lover is usually called a woman who is active in bed, knows how to seduce and have fun. Stiffness and constraint in sex only interfere, but you can teach emancipation, it is only important to make some effort.

Step 1
Think about what is stopping you from relaxing, what thoughts come into your head during sex. For example, you are not sure if you look good, that your intimate haircut is perfect, or that you look very plump in this lighting. Find all the worries and eliminate them. If it is very difficult to fix the figure quickly, then everyone can buy beautiful lingerie. It will significantly improve the figure, distract attention. Always watch out for the vegetation on the body, do not allow not ideal conditions. Pay attention to your hair, arms, feet, and other parts of your body.
Step 2
Leave problems outside the bedroom door. You can discuss your work or study, communication with family and friends in any setting, but not in bed. Train yourself to forget about the outside world when you are alone. This is a time of caresses, touches, kisses and compliments, not worries or accusations. The matrimonial bed is a sacred place where only love reigns. If you cannot get distracted from some events, give up sex. A mixture of experiences will not allow you to get pleasure.
Step 3
To feel more confident in bed, study your body, look for ways to please yourself. Knowing what you like will help you demonstrate that to a man. With words, with movements, you tell him what to do, how to excite you even more, how to give new sensations and emotions. You can search for something together, experimenting in bed. New poses, toys, or movements can please both, use them to expand the range of feelings.
Step 4
A liberated woman can easily talk about sex, about her pleasures and experiences. This needs to be learned, and the easiest way is to watch porn with a man. At first there will be a feeling of embarrassment, but gradually it will pass. Start discussing what you are interested in what you saw, what you would like to try, and what is disgusting. Sometimes you can find something that you really want to do on your own, and then demonstrate to your partner. Many men will gladly join such a game and take part in the revival of fantasies.
Step 5
Dreams also allow you to be more free. Imagine in your thoughts how you become the sexiest woman, how you seduce your companion. In the process, you become aroused, and the man will feel it. And it is possible that someday you will risk realizing the scenario not only in thoughts, but also in real life. If you yourself cannot come up with something special, start reading erotic books or stories, there are very tempting stories.