Many fathers ask themselves the question: how to raise a son as a real man. How to make his childhood happy. So that he live a wonderful life, travel to all countries, write a book or compose a song. To create his own family and succeed in life, and not complain about his plight and not sit on the neck of his parents.

Step 1
Before school, don't give your child too many liberties. Let him learn that parents are in charge. Never say there is no money for toys. One more toy is impossible because there are so many of them. When the parents themselves decide to buy him, then they will buy. And if you really want to - let him help, makes it easier for parents to make money on it. For example, let him wash the floors or dishes for a couple of weeks.
Step 2
At school age, gradually introduce conditions, after the fulfillment of which he can do what he wants. He wants to walk until night - let him do all his homework first. He wants to wear his favorite things, let him wash them himself. If he wants to go to the section, write it down. If you don't like it, don't force it. To prevent your child from hanging out with suspicious acquaintances, teach him a hobby. Build robots, draw monsters, light fires and set up tents. If the boy does something himself and wants to boast, praise him and immediately criticize: "Here you did well, but here it is bad, do your best and you will get a great job!"
Step 3
Trust your son. Do not turn out his pockets in search of cigarettes if you notice that he smokes - this can only break his trust in adults. Set a good example for him: If you forbid him to watch TV all the time, don't do it yourself. Never swear in front of your son. He must see that the parents are always on the same side. You can solve conflicts on the street, or when your son is at school. And never scold your son in front of strangers - he should have his own honor.
Step 4
Give your child pocket money. But never control what he spends them on. Set him a monthly limit, let him spend sparingly. By the 8th grade, let him buy notebooks and stationery with this money. Then - I go to the dining room and clothes for myself. If he wants, he will spend everything in one day, and then he goes hungry. If he wants, he will save money and buy himself a computer. If there is not enough pocket money, tell me how and where to make money, help him find something. An assistant in a car service, a cleaner in a hairdresser or a gardener in a housing office, for example.
Step 5
Be with your son. Take him fishing, fix his moped with him, teach him minor household repairs. Tell us about the relationship between young people and girls, about sex. About what to do on the first date, on the second and on the third. What flowers to buy, what to give a girl for a holiday or birthday. Buy condoms and explain what to do with them and how. Train him to sports, tell him how to build muscles, teach him a few karate techniques. Explain everything you know about using a computer, the Internet, and programming. If you can, teach him to play the guitar. Do not hesitate to go with him to concerts of fashion groups, to football and hockey.
Step 6
By the age of 17, rent him an apartment so that he can learn to live independently. Find a part-time job through someone he knows and warn him that if he doesn’t do well at university or school, it’s all over. And by the age of 20, tell them that the money to pay for the apartment has run out. If he comes home drunk or at night, leave him on the landing. After one such lesson, he will remember that it is not difficult to stay sober, it is also easy to call and warn the parents.