Why Even Good Men Cheat

Why Even Good Men Cheat
Why Even Good Men Cheat

When you date a typical ladies' man, cheating is not surprising. Even those around him will confirm, they say, what else could be expected from him. A real tragedy can be cheating on the part of a man who is considered reliable and good. There are several reasons that may underlie such a betrayal.

Why Even Good Men Cheat
Why Even Good Men Cheat

Polygamy or promiscuity?

Since childhood, boys have been surrounded by stereotypes. Being faithful to one girl for many years is boring. In some companies, such a monogamous person may even be ridiculed. Having a lot of victories on the love front is cool and fun. While the young man has no other achievements to brag about, he prefers to boast of an impressive list of seduced girls in order to seem cooler than his peers.

With age, this model of behavior is transferred to adulthood, and it is difficult for a man to stop even in marriage. He justifies his connections on the side with the notorious polygamy, although if you look at it, this quality is not at all an obligatory attribute of the representatives of the strong half of humanity. In most cases, men only thereby justify their promiscuity and inability to behave with dignity.

Desire for variety

Imagine you love red caviar. This is your favorite food and you would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At first it will be very tasty for you, but then even the best caviar will get bored, and after a while it will start to turn back from it. You need to eat other food like borscht. And then return to your favorite caviar again. It is with this analogy that men like to illustrate their craving for adultery. Even if the wife is ideal and generally the best woman in the world, it is possible that at some point she will become boring. It is then that a man can be tempted by a lady who is not even a candle to his wife. A lover may be older, fatter, dumber, but at the same time she will have the main advantage - novelty.

Didn't change, but stumbled

For a woman, infidelity is often associated with emotional experiences, even falling in love. In most cases, she needs not so much sex as romance, flirting and tenderness. For men, the opposite is true: they consider long courtship and emotional foreplay a waste of time, preferring to go straight to an intimate relationship.


Moreover, sometimes the formula “sex is not a reason for dating” works, when a casual relationship is not considered treason at all. This can happen while traveling, under the influence of alcohol, or under any other unpredictable circumstance. Often a man can be good and kind, but weak-willed. If an overly active young lady appears on the horizon, he simply cannot resist the onslaught of female charms. In this case, the weakling always has an excuse prepared: "With whom it does not happen, stumbled, guilty." If a man does not start a full-fledged relationship on the side, he may not consider such a fleeting relationship a betrayal at all. After all, he continues to love his wife and does not plan to destroy the family.

Disguise self-doubt

Despite impressive achievements, financial stability, several children and a strong marital status, a man can be full of complexes. The cause of self-doubt, as a rule, lies in childhood grievances and unresolved situations from the past. One way or another, instead of working on himself, a man may need confirmation of his own relevance. Even if a regular partner loves him very much and praises his sexual abilities, he still needs proof from the outside.


He wants to feel "in the ranks" regardless of age and position in society. That is why men over 40 readily believe that a young girl falls in love with him, and not because of his financial solvency and connections. That is why they for some time are able to forget about their beloved wife and easily go to the side in order to receive confirmation of their own importance as a man.

Get away from the conflict

There are men whom hardly anyone can suspect of treason. They seem too good and loyal and kind. They do not sort things out with their wife and do not give any reason for negativity at all, which is why the news that such an ideal man has another can be truly shocking. In his case, a mistress is a departure from reality. Such a partner uses cheating as a way to get away from conflict with his main partner. He may not have enough attention, he may have some hidden claims, but he cannot talk about this with his wife. Cheating is an easy way to cheer up and escape into a parallel reality, where there is no place for feelings of guilt. Moreover, a man can hide behind good intentions: he simply did not want to injure his wife by clarifying the relationship or painfully searching for a solution to the conflict that had arisen.
