The topics "Do girls like smoking guys" and "Do guys like smoking girls" are now at their peak of popularity. Social networks, blogs, websites are exploding with polls, discussions and controversies. If everything is more or less clear with the second, the first topic causes huge contradictions.

The question of whether girls like smoking guys can hardly be answered unequivocally. And due to the feminine nature of the girls themselves, in reality, they cannot answer it exactly. Therefore, it would be more rational to consider this issue from the point of view of why, on the one hand, guys like smokers, and on the other - not.
Why Do Girls Like Guys Smoking?
There is a belief that good girls are attracted to bad guys. In fact, it is generally believed that smoking gives a guy a little roughness, makes him more courageous and stronger. Some girls madly like the mixture of the smell of good perfume and cigarette or cigar smoke. some people argue that if a man smells like that, girls simply cannot resist him.
Some girls believe that such a scent gives a sort of sexuality to a young man.
According to the fair sex, it is very important how a guy smokes. Long, deep puffs and sexy exhales are another reason why girls like guys who smoke. The photos in which a handsome man holds a cigarette in his hands and exhales gray smoke look very beautiful. In fact, most of the responses of girls on various forums on this topic boil down to one thing: "Smoking guys are wildly exciting, because they look more courageous and courageous this way."
Why Girls Don't Like Guys Smoking?
The first reason girls dislike smoking guys is, of course, considerations about their own health, the health of future children and the health of the guy. As you know, smoking generally does not lead to anything good. Yellow teeth, decayed liver, cancer and more. Of course, no girl wants this to her boyfriend. And why is it necessary for a guy to become impotent at the age of 30? Unnecessary threats to the health and life of the smoker and his environment. This is one of the main reasons.
In various polls, the second place after the health of girls is the unpleasant smell of cigarettes. Firstly, at least, not everyone likes it, and secondly, some girls, and not only girls, simply cannot stand the smell of nicotine.
In severe cases, the smell of nicotine and tobacco even causes an allergic reaction.
Often, girls are against guys smoking in their presence, even if not too often. Firstly, it looks quite disrespectful towards the girl, and secondly, frequent smoke breaks give the guy the image of a steam locomotive.
Despite all the pros and cons, smoking is not the main criterion when choosing a boyfriend. To smoke or not to smoke is a personal decision of everyone. But do not forget about the harm that is done not only to your health, but also to the health of the people around you.