A baby has appeared in your house. And along with him a problem arose: how to put a baby cot so that the child feels comfortable? After all, nothing should disturb his sleep. The state of his health largely depends on how well the child gets enough sleep.

Step 1
Many experts agree that for the first six months of life, it is better for a baby to sleep in the same bed with his mother. Such contact is essential for his healthy mental and mental development. If you are sure that you are sleeping soundly, do not toss and turn in a dream, lean towards this option. The baby will be calmer, constantly feeling the presence of his mother next to him.
Step 2
If you decide that the child should have its own, separate room from birth, then immediately decide what place in it will be allocated for the crib. Please note that a baby bed should never be placed next to heating devices. Babies tolerate overheating much worse than minor hypothermia.
Step 3
Carpets and books are wonderful collectors and collectors of dust. Therefore, there should be neither one nor the other next to a children's bed. A child may experience various allergic reactions upon contact with dust. You better not risk it!
Step 4
Smells must not reach the crib. Especially the tobacco smell. Remember that there is no place for strong-smelling plants in the nursery. The child spends quite a lot of time in a dream and the neighborhood of "sturdy" plants, many of which are also toxic, is undesirable.
Step 5
Fresh air has a wonderful effect on sleep. Of course, do not put the bed in a draft, but keep in mind that the room where it is located must be well ventilated.
Step 6
The room in which your baby will sleep should be isolated from strong noise and loud sounds from the street. But don't overdo it, don't create perfect silence. Otherwise, in the future, your child will suffer from the slightest noise, and his sleep will be disturbed and restless.
Step 7
Now your baby is still tiny. But the day is not far off when he begins to move around the crib. Think about safety issues, how to put it so that the child cannot reach outlets, table lamps and other electrical appliances.