If you liked a guy, and he cannot forget his ex-girlfriend, be patient, do not demand reciprocal sympathy from him. You must always be there so that he gets used to you. You need to prove to him that you are no worse than the one with whom he had a relationship.

If you understand that the young man you really like is still in love with his ex-girlfriend, continues to suffer because of the breakup, be patient. Not ready to wait, to be near, to endure his indifference and coldness - it is better to step aside. If in this situation you demand attention from him, make claims and take offense, you will only alienate the young man from you.
An even bigger mistake will be if you start comparing yourself and the guy's ex-girlfriend, constantly remembering her name to him. It is better to try to invite him more often somewhere in crowded places: to the theater or to the cinema, to visit friends or to a club, to dances. If his time is maximally loaded with interesting things, he is unlikely to have a desire to sit alone and be sad, look at old photos or dial the phone number of an ex-girlfriend.
Do not under any circumstances tell a guy badly about his ex-lover. This is likely to cause irritation or even aggression on his part.
Talk about any other topics that interest him: about his favorite music group, about sports, about studies, etc. Most likely, you will have to read a lot of literature and learn more about the subject of interest in order to be able to surprise the young man with your erudition. Prove to him that you are an interesting person, that you have a lot in common with him, that you are a person close to him in spirit.
Find also something to do with him. For example, if he loves sports, sign up to the same gym and go to workouts with him.
Take care of your appearance: be bright, fashionable and stylish. However, in any case, do not imitate the style, appearance of your boyfriend's ex. Try to look like you are being noticed. If a young man notices the admiring glances of men thrown at you, he will be flattered by your attention. Most likely, he himself will be able to look at such a young lady from the other side: not as a friend, but as a charming girl.
In no case do not demonstrate your negative sides of character: do not raise your voice to him, do not demand everything at once. Your assistant in achieving the desired result (the reciprocal feelings of the person you like) is time. Be patient.