The most cherished dream of any woman is to find true love. When meeting a man, a girl tries to understand how sincere her feelings are, whether a person is suitable for a serious relationship.
Men, by their nature, practically do not express feelings, but with the help of a simple analysis of his behavior, it is possible with a high degree of probability to understand what a man loves.

Principle 1. Signs of attention
A man who is in love tries to give the maximum amount of attention to a woman. There may be a different number of signs, but they are necessarily noticeable and very eloquent. If a man speaks to only one woman constantly compliments, gives her a smile and shows concern, he is definitely in love. Sometimes men show not only romantic behavior, but also quite the opposite. At the same time, a woman should not think that a man is aggressive, he simply does not know how to do it differently. Much about sympathy for a woman, his gifts tell about a man. They are usually memorable, although they are not large in size.
Principle 2. Frequent letters and telephone calls
If a man suddenly starts calling often or writes a lot of letters, sms, you can also be sure that he is in love. Usually the reasons for calls and letters are far-fetched and quite insignificant, but the man cannot resist. A lot of letters are usually also written in poetry or just romantic phrases.
Principle 3. Spending time together
A man who loves tries to devote all his time to a woman. He agrees to walk her home, accompany her shopping and carry her bags. He also chooses a woman's company to the detriment of friendly beer gatherings. A man can appear where he was not before more and more often, which also indicates his feelings. Oddly enough, but if a man diligently began to avoid the company of a woman, although he had not previously done this, then he had feelings for her.

Principle 4. Compliance is manifested
If a man prefers to please a woman in everything and agrees almost in everything, does not argue, then he is probably in love with her and does not want to upset her.
Principle 5. Avoid quarrels
A man will not quarrel with his beloved woman, therefore, if he has feelings, he will avoid all possible conflicts.
Principle 6. Seeks to Help in Everything
When a man loves a woman, he will try in every possible way to solve all her problems, help her in any little things, support and empathize. The signs that speak of a married man in love are almost identical, with the only exception that they will try not to remember family life. Falling in love with another Probably the most unpleasant situation can be one in which a woman needs to understand whether a man has feelings for another. In such cases, the man's behavior changes dramatically. He shows more aggression, coldness, more and more often reproaches. He tries to look much better than before and hides his phone, changes passwords in his mailbox.