This question most often worries women who know about the existence of a rival, but for some reason put up with this and continue a relationship with such a man. Women are interested in what is going on in the soul of a man with a double love and what this can lead to.

The revelations of a group of men who agreed to be sincere talked about situations that were in their lives. Their thoughts and experiences at that time will help to see the reasons for the appearance of a second love.
Every woman is the only one at the moment
A man is constantly forgotten, being with one lover, then with another. He is so in love with every woman that when he meets, he surrenders to his love completely, he is very good with both. Sometimes enlightenment comes in life, and his conscience torments him, but he cannot make a choice. As a rule, such a relationship ends in separation from both passions, since the triple relationship does not suit women, and their patience comes to an end.
A man flatters his vanity
Men are polygamous by nature, and it is often very difficult for them to remain faithful to only one partner, and if both women are selflessly in love and courting their beloved from all sides, then the man relaxes and enjoys life. He is proud of himself that he can satisfy both, that everything is equal and no one knows anything about anything. Brags to friends that he is doing well.
The soul hurts, but the conscience torments
The properties of human nature are limitless and not always explicable. Indeed, sometimes situations arise that a person is equally in love with two at once. There are conscientious men who understand that this is wrong, and constantly feel ashamed and guilty for deceiving both of them. And these feelings do not bring him joy in life. Being with one woman, he constantly thinks about another, about how lonely she is now and how bad she will be if she finds out everything. Such a relationship cannot be long, because sooner or later the depressive-irritated state of a man will not become appropriate, because one cannot live constantly in the negative, which is also transmitted to women.
Will leave a more profitable option
In this case, the man approaches the relationship from a practical point of view, if such a situation has already developed and the right to choose is ahead, then the male will remain where it is more convenient and comfortable for him. In this situation, a woman will have to prove that she is the best, and, perhaps, even fight for her lover. In the process of a relationship, a man one way or another forms his own personal preferences for each passion (sex, figure, material condition, personal qualities, culinary abilities), and, comparing them, he will make his choice.
The wife is a fighting friend, the mistress is a muse
In this situation, the man does not leave the family, but winds up a mistress on the side. He loves each woman in his own way. Much connects him with his wife: long years of life, children, obstacles passed and problems solved together. The husband respects his wife very much, she is a companion and support for him in everything. They have a measured life: family comfort, ironed collars, a delicious dinner, but the passion dies down through these long years. And when a man meets a younger, carefree, sexy woman in life, he cannot deny himself this temptation. For him comes a life full of emotions, because at the moment he has everything. Perhaps initially he feels guilty towards his wife, but mostly wise women of mature age "forgive" their husbands and allow them to live on the side. Such women simply do not want to ruin their families, upset their children and change something in their lives. Therefore, over time, such relationships become the norm for this love triangle.