What Does The Baby Feel In The Womb?

What Does The Baby Feel In The Womb?
What Does The Baby Feel In The Womb?

It's no secret to anyone that already in the womb, the baby begins to experience certain feelings. He can already understand, feel and be aware of what is happening outside of his temporary refuge.

What does the baby feel in the womb?
What does the baby feel in the womb?

Modern perinatal studies have shown that the fetus can be aware of what is happening around from the fourth month of development. The fetus is able to react to both internal changes in the mother's body and to all kinds of external stimuli that may reach it.

So what exactly does the baby begin to realize already in the fourth month?

1. Taste. Like all children, the fruit loves sweets. If glucose is introduced into the amniotic fluid, then the reaction will be the acceleration of swallowing movements. But the bitter is not to his taste - with the introduction of iodine, the fetus slows down the swallowing movements and seems to bend.

2. Tactile contact with the tummy. The fetus is able to feel the touch of the palms on the stomach and demonstrates orienting reflexes - it turns its head towards the touch.

3. The mood of the mother. The kid not only feels it, but also completely duplicates it. With stress and arousal of the mother, his pulse also quickens. By the way, the biorhythms of the child and the mother are also identical - the fetus falls asleep and wakes up with the mother.

4. Words. The fetus can now memorize words and even whole expressions. Therefore, you can already communicate with your baby and read books to him. After birth, the course of the development of cognitive processes in him will significantly accelerate.

5. Music. The kid listens to her and reacts. For example, calm classical music calms him down, while heavy music with low frequencies excites him.

6. Light. If you send a bright light to the stomach, then the child will try to turn away from him and close his eyelids harder.

7. Temperature. The most comfortable temperature for the fetus is the same as the mother's body temperature plus a few degrees. As the reaction to jets of water shows, too cold and very hot make the child want to hide in depth, as far as possible from the stimulus.

8. The voice of the parents. The ability to recognize the voices of parents is manifested in children even before the moment of birth. When the mother or father addresses the fetus, the baby calms down, and the rhythm of his heart slows down and returns to normal.

By the way, according to the observations of doctors, children with whom parents often talked grow up calmer and less often naughty and cry.
