During pregnancy, women tend to put on extra pounds. This is due to hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother and necessary for the child developing in the womb. It is also natural that after the birth of the baby, the mother wants to quickly return to her previous forms. How to control weight while breastfeeding?

Step 1
Immediately after the birth of your baby, make sure that your diet is rational. Try not to overeat, and at the same time eat varied, excluding fatty, rich, sweet and fried from the diet. Remember that if you start yourself from the first year after childbirth, it will be much more difficult to restore the lost forms later. Extra pounds will constantly return, so the fight against excess weight can turn into eternal torture.
Step 2
Do not try to go on a diet immediately after leaving the hospital. Your body needs good nutrition now, because he went through tremendous stress. To begin with, try to diversify your diet as much as possible for a nursing mother, using the most healthy foods rich in protein, calcium and iron. Stop your choice on dairy products, fish, nuts, boiled meat, poultry. During postpartum bleeding, your body has lost a lot of iron. And when it is not enough, it is almost impossible to lose weight: after all, thanks to the iron in the body, an enzyme is produced that is responsible for burning fat.
Step 3
Know that breastfeeding can help you shed the pounds you gained during pregnancy. You can burn up to 500 calories per day, and your crumb will only benefit from this. Do not get carried away with the consumption of large amounts of fatty dairy products. Your baby needs the vitamins you add to your milk when choosing healthy and healthy foods, not extra calories. Naturally stimulates lactation with hot drinks (it can even be water). Drink plain water more often to help burn fat more efficiently and reduce appetite.
Step 4
Try to solve the problem of extra pounds by properly distributing the time you spend on your baby and yourself. Do not gorge on as soon as the baby falls asleep. There is nothing more harmful than “for future use”. Train yourself to eat with your baby little by little, but often (4-5 times a day).
Step 5
When experiencing depression in the postpartum period, refrain from the desire to cheer up with "something tasty." Choose healthy foods, drink more vitamins, and depression will leave your life on its own. If it is simply impossible to overcome the urge to eat, switch to apples, pears, or fresh cucumbers.
Step 6
Remember that exercise is essential for weight control. Make it a rule to take your baby out for long walks on a regular basis. Fat is burned when your muscles work. A healthy lifestyle means proper nutrition along with the correct distribution of the load on the entire body.