Some women gain a lot during pregnancy, because they think that in their position they need to eat a lot. However, excess food will not only ruin the figure, but also complicate the pregnancy. To prevent this, you need to take care of yourself and try not to gain unnecessary pounds.

Step 1
You don't need to stop eating altogether for fear of getting better. On the contrary, in order for the pregnancy to pass without consequences for the figure, experts recommend eating often, but in small portions. Make sure you have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Between main meals, have lunches that may be lower in calories, but must be nutritious.
Step 2
Eat right. Choose foods that are high in calories but healthy. It can be nuts, dried fruits. Eat foods that the body needs, filling it, thereby, with the necessary vitamins. Replace baked goods, sweets, syrups with fruits, baked potatoes, vegetables, herbs, peas.
Step 3
Give up fatty, sweet, spicy, fried, smoked. These are all the extra calories and stress on the liver. If you are afraid that your diet is not varied enough or you simply cannot eat a number of foods, take vitamins for pregnant women, which will make up for the lack of vitamins.
Step 4
You cannot starve during pregnancy. As you torment yourself with the diet, you will want to eat even more. You will wake up a wolfish appetite and you will eat much more than if you had not tormented your body. Choose lean meat and milk, and prefer baked rather than fried foods.
Step 5
Follow your drinking regime. If the body does not have enough water, the feeling of hunger is exacerbated. A pregnant woman needs to drink at least three liters of clean water daily for its beneficial properties to take effect. You also don’t need to give up salt completely. Salt and water cleanse the body of unnecessary toxins and normalize its normal functioning.
Step 6
Go in for sports, because pregnancy is not a disease, but a pleasant waiting period. Don't darken this time. If you have no contraindications, exercise will not only be safe, but even beneficial for mom and baby. Find the best exercise routine for yourself to help you keep your weight down.
Step 7
There is a huge selection of exercises for pregnant women. It can be aerobics, calanetics, yoga, relaxation exercises, fitball exercises. The main requirement before starting training is to undergo a complete examination.
Step 8
Don't lie on the couch for nine months. Find as many things to do as possible. This way you will have less time to stay for snacks, and exercise will keep your muscles in good shape.