Boys and girls with short hair have no styling problems. But if your daughter has long hair, you will have to put it into her hair every day. For everyday wear, choose simple and quick options that will last all day without any problems.

Simple and stylish hairstyles
One of the most popular everyday hairstyles is ponytails. They are made very quickly and look elegant. Ponytails can be tied on either straight or curly hair. Brush the washed strands and spray with a spray that removes excess static electricity. Comb your hair back and gather at the crown. Tie them with a wide soft elastic band to match the suit. The tail can be decorated differently. Before tying it, separate a narrow section of hair, divide it into three sections and braid it. Wrap the base of the tail with a pigtail, tuck the end inward and secure with a hairpin.
If your hair is too thick, tie it in two ponytails. Divide the strands into a straight part, comb each part and gather in a ponytail above the level of the ears. Tie the ponytails with elastic bands or brightly colored laces.
Braids and knots
Various braids are in fashion today. Try a comfortable french braid hairstyle. She especially suits girls with thick straight hair. Spray hair with an alcohol-free fixing spray and comb back. Separate three thin strands above the forehead and weave a braid from them, gradually attaching hair from the remaining mass to it. The pigtail can go in the middle of the head or be arranged in zigzags. Reaching the back of your head, secure your hair with an elastic band, and tie a beautiful bow on top. Leave the ponytail loose or braid it.
Try another braid variation. Part your hair in a side parting on the left side. Begin braiding by pulling the braid to the right along the forehead. Attach strands and the bulk of the hair to it. When you reach the right temple, turn the netting to the left. The braid should turn out to be quite voluminous and dense, so the hairstyle will hold on better. After finishing braiding to the back of your head, pull all your hair into a braid. Tie the end of the braid with an elastic band or weave a ribbon into it. Place the braid over your left shoulder forwards.
A fashionable version of the hairstyle is knots. Comb through your hair and use a long, thin handle to separate it into a zigzag parting. Do a stroke in your hair with the handle of a comb and throw the separated strand in one direction or the other. Divide the hair into four sections, two on each side of the head. Tie each with a thin elastic band in the color of your hair so that the ponytail is along the parting. Braid the tails into braids, and tie the ends with thin elastic bands. Fold each braid into a knot and pin with several hairpins. It is not necessary to make the nodules symmetrical, they can be located at different heights. Velvet elastic bands can be worn over the knots.