Is It Possible To Feed A Child With Fruit Every Day

Is It Possible To Feed A Child With Fruit Every Day
Is It Possible To Feed A Child With Fruit Every Day

Nutrition is one of the key issues in raising a child. Not only does the child's health directly depend on the solution of this problem, one must reckon with the fact that personality habits are formed in childhood.

Children love fruits, but not only …
Children love fruits, but not only …

Fruit composition

First you need to figure out what the fruits are made of. You can familiarize yourself with the table of calorie content and composition of fruits, given at the end of the article. From it it becomes clear that fruit is water plus carbohydrates.

Eat coconuts, chew bananas …

What substances does a child need? Protein is a building block for any organism. As you can see from the table above, most fruits have little or no protein.

An obligatory part of a child's diet - meat, fish, poultry, dairy products - are the main suppliers of protein. By excluding these products from the menu of a growing organism, we doom it to lagging behind in growth and development. Thus, it will not be possible to feed a child with fruits alone, for all the seeming usefulness of this approach.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Fruits grown in your area are preferred. So, apples grow in Siberia, but, say, pineapples do not. Therefore, the former are preferable.

So does the child need fruit

Needed, undoubtedly needed. Every day should bring the child not only building materials - proteins and fats, but also energy for building a healthy body. This is the role of grains and fruits. Apples, pears, oranges and bananas will provide enough energy for your child's harmonious development.

Apples, oranges, pears are an irreplaceable source of vitamins and minerals. Pears contain natural iodine, which is essential for proper hormonal development. If things aren't going well for A, C, fruit is the solution.

It is difficult to overestimate the taste of fruits and their importance for a child. By using fruit salads, making “fruit bowls,” you teach him the basics of good nutrition. It is advisable to replace candies and other sweets with healthy fruits as much as possible. An interesting fact: people with dry skin are more suitable for red fruits, and for owners of oily skin - sour green and yellow.
