Baby tea or compote is rarely considered complementary foods. Domestic pediatricians prefer everything that does not belong to the mixture or breast milk, to call it complementary foods. Including dried fruit compote.

A child of the first year of life does not need to get acquainted with sugar. Therefore, when preparing any dish for a baby, you should refrain from it. Including while cooking compote. Toddlers do not understand taste as much as adults, and they do not need additional sweetness in food. It is enough that the compote will differ from the usual mixture or the mother's breast.
Which dried fruits are suitable
Children who suffer from constipation can be offered prune compote in their drink. It has a powerful laxative effect. Prunes are not recommended for those children whose bowel movements are regular. May cause diarrhea or stomach upset.
Raisins, which are often added to dried fruit compote, are not recommended for children 6 months old. There is a high risk of getting increased gas production and flatulence.
Dried apricots also have a mild laxative effect, like prunes. It is added to the compote only when the child is at least 8 months old. Before this age, it is not worth offering, since dried apricots are difficult to digest, and can cause discomfort to a child's stomach.
Dried apples and pears are ideal for the first compote for children. Especially if these are homemade fruits harvested on their own, and not mixtures purchased from a store of unknown origin.
How to cook the first compote
In addition to the fact that you do not need to add sugar to the drink, it is worth remembering a few more basic rules. Firstly, all dried fruits for compote are thoroughly washed in running water. Secondly, they must be soaked in boiling water. Thirdly, there is no need to cook for a long time.
The first compote of dried fruits is a weak infusion of dried fruits. To test the baby's reaction, you need to drink mono - first one type of fruit. For example, an apple.
Dried apples are washed, steamed in boiling water for 10-15 minutes, boiled over high heat under a lid for 5-7 minutes, left overnight. In the morning, the concentrated infusion must be diluted with boiled warm water. Compote can be given through a bottle or from a spoon.
Each new ingredient is introduced according to this scheme. It is possible to mix several types of dried fruits only when all are checked separately. If the child reacts normally, and the body assimilates such a drink well, then the compote can not be limited, replacing ordinary water during the day.