A child can be sent to a serious studio from 6-7 years old. Until this age, the baby can be taken to some kind of developmental circle or to gymnastics, where all classes will take place in a playful way.

Some moms and dads are surprised to notice that their two-three-year-old baby starts dancing at the first sounding chords. Many children love to dance, but not all become professional dancers. How to understand if a kid should do this and, most importantly, at what age can he be sent to a specialized circle?
What is the use of dancing
1. Dancing strengthens the immune system.
2. Train the vestibular apparatus.
3. Form the correct posture, flexibility, grace and beautiful gait.
4. Improve memory and develop thinking skills.
5. The risk of injury while practicing dancing is much lower compared to other sports.
6. A child engaged in dancing begins to feel the rhythm better, he develops an ear for music and artistry, and coordination of movements becomes better.
7. The child overcomes complexes, gains self-confidence, develops willpower.
8. Due to the active work of the pelvic organs and increased blood circulation in this area, women are less likely to suffer from gynecological diseases, they have a faster and easier delivery. Men, on the other hand, remain sexually active until old age, they are less likely to encounter diseases of the prostate gland.
9. The transitional age in such children passes in a milder form.
Ideal age to start classes
A child should be sent to a serious studio where tango or rumba is taught from 6-7 years old. Previously, it does not make sense, because a small child simply cannot master complex movements. The kid can be sent to gymnastics, rhythmics or some other developmental circle, where all classes will take place in a playful way, and the kids will have fun jumping, jumping, performing individual "Pa", learning the basics of stretching and more. You cannot demand too much from a child of 3-4 years old, because you can discourage him from any desire to study. In addition, at this age, babies often confuse the right and left legs and are somewhat awkward.
Therefore, the emphasis should be placed not on the school, but on the teacher who knows how and loves to play with children. Perhaps this is the main guarantee of success. After all, only a professional who truly loves children can find an individual approach to each baby and help him open up. After all, it so happens that the kid dances very creatively and emotionally, and when it comes to learning and repetition, he falls into a stupor. The teacher must take into account all the nuances and treat the child as a person. Parents, in turn, must constantly maintain the child's interest in this lesson: it is recommended to take him to ballet and to performances of dance studios of various trends and styles, so that he can appreciate the beauty of each art.