Giving a child to dance in Moscow today is as prestigious as teaching him music. Most children have a penchant for choreography, which cannot be said about their ear for music. It is not difficult to choose classes in Moscow that will surely please the little man. If earlier you had to choose between ballet and folk dances, today there are a huge number of styles, from rap to Latin. Some of this will certainly interest a small child.

Step 1
If you are eager for your child to know the differences between the terms "batman" and "plie", you will definitely need to send him to a class with choreographic training. It can be found in almost every dance club. In some cases, classical choreographic training is taught in general education schools and special out-of-school work centers. If your goal is for the child to be able to control his body at a professional level, then he cannot do without rhythm.
Step 2
The sooner you can give your child to dance, the more chances he has in the future to shine on the big stage. True, to reach this level, the kid will have to devote all his free time to ballet classes. It should be remembered that ballet requires a lot of patience, dedication and concentration. Not every six-year-old child is able to repeat the same movement for an hour or two to bring it to perfection. And if you add here the obligatory strict diet, it becomes clear that ballet is not suitable for everyone.
Step 3
If the child does not want to do ballet, then he can be sent to sports dances, in which there are stretching classes and choreographic elements of ballet. Such dances are based on the study of Latin American and European styles. True, such dances have one drawback, which is expensive costumes, which not every family can afford.
Step 4
A child of 12 years old can be given to club dancing classes, which are very popular among modern teenagers. Such dances have many varieties. Some of them came out of street culture, others have the features of classical dance. The peculiarity of the club style is that all dance steps are based on improvisation. This allows the dancer to come up with the choices himself.
Step 5
Teenagers who prefer a more classical direction can be sent to a school where Latin American dances are taught, which are a mixture of different trends. This includes rumba, cha-cha-cha, salsa and many more.