Wedding Day is the most memorable event for a new family. On this day, the bride and groom make promises to each other, confess their eternal love and exchange wedding rings. To make them unique, you can use the service of an engraver and create a unique pattern on the rings.

In modern jewelry stores there are wedding rings with floral ornaments, monograms, a fusion of two alloys of gold: white and yellow, as well as with inserts of precious materials. You can buy rings from the store and customize the designs of your rings yourself. You can order a drawing, an inscription and an insert of a stone from a jeweler. On the question of choosing a stone, in the tradition it is customary to insert emeralds into a man's ring, and diamonds into a woman's. As a symbol of the purity of love between the bride and groom.
Creative couples choose as a pattern on their rings - notes, as a rule, from the score of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March". And romantic natures choose the image of the heart.
Among the inscriptions, engraving of the names and initials of the newlyweds is popular. Expressions: "I love you", "With love", "On the wedding day and forever." You can pick up well-known aphorisms in Russian and Latin. For example, the famous expression of Solomon: "Everything will pass" on the outside of the ring, "And this will pass" on the inside and "Nothing passes" at the end of the ring. For engraving text, you can choose the font and size of the letters. It is customary for a husband and wife to have the same wedding rings. But some young people choose different rings and different inscriptions on them. For example, the wife has the inscription “I love you” on the ring, and the husband has the inscription “I know”.
There are two ways to prepare wedding rings for the Wedding Day: buy ready-made or order from a jeweler. You can buy ready-made rings at a jewelry store or online store. If you want your rings to be unique, you can entrust the design of the rings to a professional. You will be able to express your wishes about metal, stone and design. It will take a craftsman from two weeks to one month to complete your order. Therefore, if you decide to make commemorative inscriptions or drawings on your wedding rings, you should take care of this in advance.