An engagement ring is perhaps the most "binding" piece of jewelry for both men and women, as it involves everyday wear. The choice of gold wedding rings must be done according to several criteria.

Despite the fact that wedding rings can be made of different metals (silver, platinum), gold is a classic material from which cult (ritual) jewelry is made.
Metal quality
When choosing gold wedding rings, you should, first of all, pay attention to the metal itself. The most durable, but at the same time, containing a large amount of precious metal, is gold 750, 585 and 583 tests. Gold of other samples will either be too soft, which does not have a very good effect on the strength of the products, or it will contain a lot of impurities.
Jewelry design is also a very important factor in choosing wedding rings. Traditionally, symbolic rings looked like a simple smooth hoop, but at the moment there are a huge number of design solutions with inserts of precious stones, carved or convex patterns and notches, engraving on the outside or inside of the ring. Of the precious stones, the most suitable for wedding rings are colorless transparent crystals - diamond, cubic zirconia, zircon. They are the most versatile and suitable for any outfit and style, while colored stones may not be the best solution for constant wear.
The choice of rings of the same design is by no means obligatory, but very often newlyweds tend to choose “twin” rings. As a rule, such rings are made in a very simple style that does not differ in complex shapes, without additional inserts. The simplest version of such a tandem is two ordinary smooth engraved rings, but there are also more interestingly made headsets for two.
Ease of wearing
When choosing wedding rings, you should pay attention to the wearing factor. This is quite important not only for men (for whom rings often interfere with physical work), but also for women. The best time to try on rings is in the evening, since at this time the fingers swell the most, and you can immediately understand whether the future wedding decoration will cut into your hand. If the ring is inconvenient, then it is not worth buying it even if you are very fond of the jewelry. For wedding rings, it is assumed that they will be worn constantly, and in case of inconvenience, not only physical, but also psychological discomfort may arise.
The cost of gold wedding rings is also quite an important selection criterion. According to Western standards, a wedding ring for a girl should cost the sum of two monthly salaries of a man, but in the conditions of Russian realities, such expensive rings are more likely the exception than the rule. At the moment, the cost of the simplest set of two wedding rings starts from 6000-7000 rubles.