How To Choose An Artificial Formula To Feed A Sick Child

How To Choose An Artificial Formula To Feed A Sick Child
How To Choose An Artificial Formula To Feed A Sick Child

In some cases, breastfeeding is simply not possible. Then there is a need for artificial feeding with special mixtures. There are medicinal mixtures for sick children, which should be chosen depending on the child's illness.

Artificial mixtures
Artificial mixtures

The main types of artificial mixtures

Everyone knows about the benefits of breast milk. But in some situations, there may be a need for artificial feeding. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right formula for the baby. It should contain those components that are lacking in the child's body.

All artificial mixtures can be divided into adapted and non-adapted. The composition of the former is usually as close as possible to the composition of human breast milk. By the way, children under the age of 6 months should only be given highly adapted mixtures. They are usually made from cow's milk or soy. In turn, they are divided into ready-made and dry (those that need to be diluted).

If you are allergic to cow's milk protein

Very often, young parents have to look for special therapeutic mixtures that compensate for the lack of a substance in the child's body. If the baby is allergic to cow's milk protein, he can be given prophylactic mixtures based on goat's milk, as well as adapted fermented milk mixtures. True, the latter can replace only half of the daily nutritional value.

Also, in case of allergic reactions to cow's milk, children are given formulas based on cow's milk hydrolyzate and prophylactic formulas based on soy protein.

For the treatment of dysbiosis

In order to cure dysbiosis, the baby should be given special therapeutic mixtures based on fermented milk products. Also suitable are mixtures that contain artificial protein and microflora useful for the intestines.

For cereal protein intolerance

There is such a disease as celiac disease. Its main danger is that the protein of wheat and other grains acts as a poison on the intestines. Only Humana SL can be used as an artificial mixture for this disease.

With frequent regurgitation

For babies who often regurgitate, fresh or antireflux mixtures are best. They usually contain nutrients that significantly increase the viscosity of the stomach contents. If your toddler has loose stools, it is best to get starch mixes. These include "Nutrilon Omneo". For children with constipation, a formula called Nutrilon-anti-reflux is ideal.

With galactose intolerance

Soy-based formulas should be given to children who have an intolerance to breast milk sugar (lactose). They usually replace lactose with corn syrup or sucrose. These carbohydrates are well absorbed by infants and are normally digested.
