How To Properly Feed A Baby With A Formula If There Is Little Breast Milk

How To Properly Feed A Baby With A Formula If There Is Little Breast Milk
How To Properly Feed A Baby With A Formula If There Is Little Breast Milk

The birth of a child is probably the most significant event that can happen. This is happiness for every woman. But with the advent of the baby, mothers have many questions, including those related to feeding the baby.

How to properly feed a baby with a formula if there is little breast milk
How to properly feed a baby with a formula if there is little breast milk

Every woman wants only the best for her child. And what could be better for a newborn baby than breast milk? Nothing! Young mothers are afraid that their child does not have enough milk, that it is not so fat. But if a woman conceived a child, carried him out and gave birth, then she will be able to breastfeed him.

What problems can arise when feeding

First of all, you need to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast, then it will be convenient for him to suck and he will eat as much as he needs. Apply the child not by the clock, but on demand, when the baby asks. If you think that milk is not enough, do not worry, it arrives when the baby is breastfeeding. The woman's body is designed so that milk is released as much as the child needs. Try to relax when feeding the baby, and not get nervous, then milk will be produced well, and the baby will eat calmly.

What is it worth paying attention to in order to understand whether there is enough milk or not?

If the baby eats, but does not gain weight well, then you really do not have enough milk. Your pediatrician says your baby is underweight.

Also pay attention to the baby's urination. If your baby urinates less than six times a day, it could also be due to malnutrition. With a normal diet, the child should urinate at least 6 times a day, the urine should be clear and almost odorless. And if you see that after feeding the baby is worried, it means that he has not finished eating.

What to do if there is not enough milk

If the baby really does not have enough milk, then you need to switch to mixed feeding, that is, give both the breast and the mixture. First give the baby the breast (both breasts) and then supplement with the formula. Stand for three hours between complementary foods, and if the baby asks to eat at this time, then give him a breast. Remember that there is more milk in the morning than in the evening. Be sure to breastfeed at night.

How much mixture is needed

How to understand how much the child has not finished eating, how much mixture is needed? First, you will need to weigh the baby for a couple of days before and after feeding to understand how much milk he is eating. Your pediatrician should calculate the rate and help with the choice of the formula, and after that, gradually, artificial milk can be introduced, starting with 10 ml and reaching the daily requirement.

The main thing is not to give up, fight, increase lactation. After all, no formula can replace breast milk.
