Decide to be the first to meet a guy - not every girl is capable of this. Even a single failure can form a complex for many years. It is much better to have young people take the initiative themselves.

Step 1
Take care of your appearance. Try to look well-groomed, fresh and natural. Extended nails, vulgar makeup and deep cleavage can only attract guys with far from decent goals. Perfect manicure, clean smooth hair, beautiful skin and a dazzling smile are the best attributes of any girl. Avoid clothes that are too provocative: if a young person has serious intentions, such an appearance can put him off.
Step 2
Try to look at yourself from the outside. Looking for a melancholy glance, a silent call to acquaintance, obsession in every gesture - qualities that cut off the potential for a relationship with you after a single glance. However, you should not look too unapproachable, because for many guys, the dating initiative is a rather serious step. And if they think that you will definitely refuse them, then they are unlikely to do it themselves. Choose a middle ground: one interested glance is enough to establish contact. If you feel that you like the young man, smile back at him. Be discreet but friendly.
Step 3
In general, try to communicate more with males. Don't let this kind of contact make you blush. You should behave as relaxed and natural as possible and in no way worry. In addition, in a company with many young people, it is much easier to find a friend for yourself.
Step 4
Expand your horizons and areas of interest. Get yourself some hobbies. Moreover, some of them should be of interest to men, for example, alpine skiing. So you will not only get more chances to get to know a guy, but also later spend leisure time together. Read more, attend interesting events, watch a good movie, try to have your own current of vision on many topical issues. If in the first minutes after meeting you there is nothing to talk about, the meeting will probably be the last.