One of the most sensitive questions for mothers is: "How to dress your child so that he does not freeze, and, at the same time, he does not get hot?" The solution to this question may be hiding in a simple, antique, but not old-fashioned piece of clothing - a sleeveless jacket or a vest. It allows you to move freely, without constraining the fidget, like a robot, and also protects the baby's breast and back from the breeze and coolness.
- - stocking needles No. 3, 5
- - circular needles No. 3, 5
- - threads: 150 g (if the baby is 5-6 years old)
Step 1
Before doing the work, you need to make a pattern. If the child is 5-6 years old, you can use the attached pattern (see picture). If some sizes do not fit, it is easy to change them according to your measurements.

Step 2
Next, it is important to decide on the design of the future vest. If the work is done for the first time, the best drawing is stripes, they can be different, but very beautiful.
Step 3
Cast on 86 loops, knit 2 cm with elastic (one front - one purl) and continue with front stitch.
At a height of 16 cm = after 42 rows from the beginning of knitting with the front stitch, close to form armholes 1 time 4 loops, 2 times 2 loops on both sides in every second row = 64 loops.
At a height of 30 cm from the beginning of work (after 84 rows of the front surface), close the middle 20 loops for the neckline and then on both sides of them 1 time 3 loops and once 2 loops in every second row.
At a height of 32 cm (after 90 rows of the front surface) from the beginning of work, close the remaining 17 loops of each shoulder bevel.
Step 4
Knit like a back. At a height of 18 cm (after 48 rows of the front surface from the beginning of work, leave 2 middle loops uncovered to form a V-shaped cut and then knit both parts separately. At the same time, re-dial along the edge of the neckline in the first row, 1 edge loop on both sides. For form the bevel, decrease 11 times, one loop in every second and 4 times in every 1 row. To do this, knit the right side to 4 loops from the end of the row, then 2 knit loops together. On the left side, knit edge loops and remove 1 loop, knit 1 knit and pull the removed loop through it. At a height of 32 cm from the beginning of work, close the remaining 17 loops of each shoulder bevel.
Step 5
Sew shoulder seams. On the edge of each armhole, cast on about 82 loops, knit 2.5 cm with an elastic band 2 * 2. Sew side seams. Cast on circular knitting needles along the edge of the neckline about 94 loops, put into work 2 front loops left uncovered. At the same time, knit two middle loops in the middle and in each 2 circular row knit 1 of these loops together with the previous front loop and stretch the removed loop through it. At a height of 2.5 cm, close all the loops according to the pattern.