There are various secrets to please a man in bed. If a woman learns to understand the desires of her beloved and translate them into reality, this will greatly strengthen the married life.

Step 1
One of the main secrets about how to please a man in bed is: try to understand the inclinations, needs and desires of your lover. For example, there are modest men who usually prefer leisurely but passionate sex filled with strong feelings and love. More assertive and decisive men have a fast and hard rhythm in bed, and they will not be delighted with a partner who will do everything slowly.
Step 2
Another secret to pleasing a man in bed is to have close contact even before sex. Do not hesitate to talk with your spouse on intimate topics, but, on the contrary, periodically invite him to share with you his desires and fantasies. From time to time, a man begins to want something unusual from his woman, and if she understands this and is able to translate it into reality, he will feel very happy.
Step 3
The next trick is experimentation. Feel free to offer your partner something new about sex, and periodically check the tutorials online or from bookshelves. Maybe you or your man will discover hidden interests in yourself that can bring even more desires and passions into your sex life.
Step 4
Don't practice sex on a schedule. Making love on certain days quickly turns into a routine that gradually begins to be perceived as a regular daily routine. Because of this, partners eventually begin to avoid intimacy under various pretexts. An ideal opportunity for intimacy is when both partners, or at least one of them, want it. Therefore, take a convenient moment and take the initiative in your own hands. If a man suddenly "put you to the wall", do not deny him the pleasure and you.
Step 5
The environment is also part of the secrets of how to please a man in bed. Even if your bed is comfortable, it gradually becomes too familiar. Try moving to a different room or slightly changing the setting, such as lighting up scented candles and playing relaxing music. If possible, periodically get out of the house and discover new places for yourself. For example, they can be a beautiful hotel room or even a foreign resort, where your feelings will sparkle with new colors, and the desire for intimacy and pleasure will become many times more intense.