Making the right impression on your first date is very important, because if things go well, your memories of that first date will stay with you for life.

Be yourself
You should not follow the lead of a common stereotype and fundamentally be five to ten minutes late for the first date. Of course, it is believed that a woman can afford to be late, but new acquaintances (especially those who value punctuality) may be unhappy. It is not very pleasant to spend an evening with a man who is in a bad mood because of a five-minute delay.
Try to be as natural as possible. This applies primarily to makeup, clothing and hair. A complex hairstyle, bright makeup that will hide your real face, uncomfortable pretentious clothes - all this can scare off a man who will have to guess who is really hiding behind this bright wrapper.
Be the desired prey. Do not immediately show your feelings to a man, even if he seems to you the perfect candidate, and you think that you have already fallen in love with him. Hunting passion is inherent in most men, they want to feel like predators. Prey on a platter can quickly extinguish their interest.
Smile! Men appreciate girls for their light and cheerful disposition. It is easier for them to rest next to such women, to escape from worries. You shouldn't tell anecdote after anecdote, it can look quite strange. But a sincere smile, ringing laughter and good mood will attract any man.
Be a good listener and conversationalist
An attentive listener can conquer the most unapproachable man. Don't interrupt your interlocutor, ask appropriate clarifying questions. Show a genuine interest in his life and hobbies. Men love to talk about themselves. Appreciate his merits and achievements, even if it is about some area that is not too clear and close to you. Better ask about her. Remember, it's not just men who can compliment you.
Do not worry. Rest assured, your boyfriend most likely wants to please you too (otherwise what's the point?). Behave in a relaxed and relaxed way, this will help both yourself and your interlocutor to feel more confident.
Call your interlocutor by name. Many researchers believe that the sound of a proper name is very pleasant to hear. You shouldn't constantly repeat his name, it will sound strange. Just use his name in direct messages.
Get him interested. It is better to talk about your passions, hobbies, interests, favorite films and books than about routine at work and problems in everyday life. Men love women with whom you can talk long and interesting.