What You Shouldn't Talk About With A Man On A First Date

What You Shouldn't Talk About With A Man On A First Date
What You Shouldn't Talk About With A Man On A First Date

Interest, sympathy, attraction, love is a complex chain of feelings and emotions that arises between a man and a woman, sometimes inexplicable from the point of view of logic. And yet, sometimes with our behavior, we can once and for all scare off a person who initially seemed to like it … How to avoid this? Well, at least follow the flow of your speech and not talk about some things on the first date!

What you shouldn't talk about with a man on a first date
What you shouldn't talk about with a man on a first date

So, here is a list of not the best topics for conversation when you first meet a man:

1. Ask how much he gets. And also ask about the brand of his car, the presence of real estate, etc. A man wants him to be interesting to you in himself, and not in his financial achievements.

2. Share your dream of having six children and quitting your job as soon as you get married. There is a time for everything - if true love comes, then perhaps your plans will come true. But on the first date, a man sees in you only an interesting woman, and not a housewife with children.

3. Say that you are on a strict diet. Firstly, by this you reveal your secret that you are inclined to be overweight, and if you suddenly stop following a diet, then goodbye harmony. Secondly, men love not only to eat themselves, but also to see how a woman eats - psychologists say that men associate a woman's appetite with her sexuality! Therefore, hearing about your diet, he may feel sad …

4. Inform that you would prefer to live with your parents, even if you are married. Of course, this is your own business, and there may be reasons for this: parents are sacred. But again, such decisions are made jointly and at a completely different stage of the relationship. The man has not yet had time to get used to you, but he is already hinted at the possibility of living with other strangers!

5. Confidentially communicate that sex does not matter to you. Well, this is already completely taboo, since men (all!) Have sex always in the first place. Hearing that the intimate side of the relationship does not interest you, he will immediately begin to look for ways to escape.

6. Tell that recently you became interested in vegetarianism, and you turn back from one kind of juicy pork chop. Maybe your new friend will be delighted and say that he is also a vegetarian, but this is unlikely: the vast majority of men are hunters and meat eaters. Therefore, be prepared to fry cutlets, even if you yourself eat only vegetables.

Love and be loved!
