Every woman dreams of her own personal happiness. For some, it consists in having children and creating a family, for others, simply in the appearance of their second half. To attract a beloved girl, they change their appearance, update their wardrobe, study recipes for culinary masterpieces. Finally, the goal is achieved, and the man is next to the purposeful girl. But for a good and long-term relationship, it is not enough to be pretty, smart, economic, stylish, responsive and friendly. A man is looking for in a woman not only a friend, but also an excellent lover. After all, sex in the life of the stronger sex occupies a leading position. Therefore, every self-respecting woman should know how to please a man in bed.

Firstly, in order to surprise your beloved man and give him pleasure, you need to learn to dance either strip plastic or go-go. Dance lessons will help a constrained and modest woman to relax and feel her body better. It is women who understand their sexuality that do not leave indifferent any man. After a few classes at the dance school, show some of the movements to your chosen one. Erotic dance should carry a certain emotional load, so all body movements must signal that a man is not indifferent to you. It is also a good idea to involve your partner in the dance. After that, you can go to non-preliminary caresses, kisses and erotic massage to each other.
By the way, for dancing, you can transform into a completely unexpected image. In an intimate store, you should purchase a suit for the occasion. You can try on both the image of a sexy nurse and a daring police officer. To complete your makeover, buy a wig in a color different from your natural hair color. Everything will depend on your imagination. Your man will be pleasantly surprised and will undoubtedly want to "get tested" by an attractive doctor.
After the preparatory steps, place the chosen one in a comfortable position on the bed. Start slowly and smoothly taking off his clothes, gently touching his chest. Kiss his nipples and slowly lower yourself to the abdomen. Caress his navel with your tongue and touch his penis with your hands. Lightly touch the testicles. You can continue to fondle the abdominal area with your tongue, and with the help of your hands, at this time, perform an erotic massage of the phallus. The most erogenous zone in a man is the head of the penis. Therefore, pay due attention to this part of the male body. Begin to caress her tongue alternately: now often, now rarely. The deeper you have a male member in your mouth, the more pleasure your man will get.
In addition to massaging the genitals, you can “mock” your partner by fondling your earlobe. A man will enjoy such an action of his chosen one.
A man loves experiments: so if you decide to have anal sex with him, he will be in seventh heaven. Definitely appreciate it.
To please her man, a woman must be ardent and passionate, able to truly love. Don't do your boyfriend a favor when having sex. Enjoy sex as much as your partner. Indeed, for any man there is no better declaration of love as bringing the woman he loves to orgasm.