Cynics are not born, they become cynics. And this is due to the modern foundations and traditions that begin to harm common sense. A cynic is a person who is disillusioned with the social mechanisms of life and has lost all confidence in one or another authority.

Who are cynics?
Cynical people are realists who vehemently despise pessimism and optimism. They accept everything as it is. They are never sad and never happy if the reason for this is some trifle. Anything can be a "trifle" for them: cynics are not worried about the death of people - there are many of them on Earth early. Cynical people are not worried about the death of children, since this is just another human offspring, which has not yet achieved anything. According to psychologists, only adults and psychologically formed personalities can be called cynics.
Such people have their own point of view on the world around them, which distinguishes them from the absolute majority. The psychology of a cynic is such that everything around is for sale, and spiritual and moral values never existed. Cynics never value anything: everything that is lost can be easily returned back, but there are no irreplaceable things and people. This is how these individuals reason. In principle, their behavior can be explained: a cynic is a person who is disappointed in life or in people, and therefore communicates with them only by rigid calculation.
There is also a downside to the coin. Life is very difficult for cynical people. The fact is that they see right through some people, do not hesitate in statements addressed to them, voice this or that inconvenient truth, etc. All this leads to the fact that the cynic meets resistance in the face of the majority of those around him, loses the ability for adequate critical thinking and looks like a real outcast in their eyes. Psychologists also give an appropriate definition to such "outcasts". Princeton University professor Charles Issawi calls such people "intolerable cynics."
Why do people become cynics?
Any character traits of the future personality are laid in childhood. Children and adolescents are very susceptible to certain actions of others: to insults, to betrayal, to humiliation, to coldness. Of course, at first there are no inclinations of cynicism in a child, but as soon as he encounters a serious problem at least once, he begins to fence himself off from everyone around him, trying to prove to everyone that he does not care about absolutely anything. A child in childhood tries to hide his own pain, demonstrating his indifference.
Already in adolescence, some of the future cynics are deprived of certain human feelings inherent in the majority. For example, they may have no sentimentality at all, since they think it just dulls people. Future cynics do not feel envy and assess the surrounding reality objectively, i.e. not with heart and soul, but with brain. The already formed cynic generally does not adhere to any religion. Psychologists note one curious fact: cynical people identify Jesus Christ with themselves, thinking that he is just as cynical as they are.