Many people dream of their former lovers quite often. Psychologists explain this by the fact that after parting with a person dear to you, the lion's share of the time is occupied by thoughts about him, about the situation that has happened, etc. But some people are sure that such dreams are harbingers of some future events.

Why do former lovers dream? Intimate dream book
Statistics say that the main dreamers of these pictures are girls and women. According to an intimate dream book, if a girl dreams of meeting her ex-boyfriend, then in reality it speaks of her long-cold feelings for him, that all love "wounds" have already healed, and the resentment has disappeared. The dream advises to go in search of a new love and boldly forget the old one!
Why do former lovers dream? Dream interpretation Hasse
Dream Interpretation Hasse interprets one of the options for sleeping with former lovers in its own way. For example, if former young people come to sleep for young girls in some completely different images or in unusual situations, then young dreamers need to admit to themselves that feelings for former love are still somewhere warm.
Here we can safely say that the former young man still occupies a place in the heart of the dreamer. However, you shouldn't look back and try to renew the relationship - it's too late, nothing will come of it! Better to forget this guy and stop reeling in your soul.
Why do ex-boyfriends dream? Miller's dream book
If a girl dreamed of her former young man in the company of a new passion, then changes are coming in the future. At the same time, new trends can leave behind both a positive and a negative mark. If you dream of a renewed relationship, then in reality there will be some kind of situation closely related to the past love. A kiss from a former lover dreams of one or another unexpected event, and sex with him - to a conflict of interest in reality.
Why do ex-girls dream? Expert opinion
If we talk about this most rationally, then ex-girls, like former young people, dream about because of the memories that have recently flashed in the mind of the dreamer. Men simply cannot “let go” of their former lover from their heads and lives. Sometimes they take desperate steps and call their exes. After that, they rethink the conversation, evaluate the events according to the principle "what would have happened if". Hence the constant thoughts of past love, poured into a dream.
Psychologists advise such men and guys to reconsider their attitude to past love, to a past romance. Representatives of the strong half of humanity need to think about their own real life and stop idealizing the object of their sighs. Psychologists call this problem an "open gestalt." The effect of "uncovered gestalt" can leave an imprint on the future life of a man.