Why Do Clouds Dream

Why Do Clouds Dream
Why Do Clouds Dream

When interpreting the dreams in which a person sees clouds, it is necessary to take into account the following: what shape and what color they were, what emotions the dreamer experienced, what kind of campaign was at that moment, etc. Airy and beautiful clouds seen on a sunny warm day indicate that the owner of dreams is a responsible, flexible and honest person. Soon he will be rewarded. This is one of the interpretations of this dream.

Why do clouds dream
Why do clouds dream

Gray clouds - to trouble

Dreams in which people see clouds can mean any changes in their lives. And this is not always for the best. For example, gray clouds dragging the sky close, dream of trouble at work or financial problems. The darker these clouds, the more serious the possible problems in reality will be.

And color matters

Some people see colored clouds at all. Of course, such dreams should not be confused with colored ones. These are fundamentally different things, since colored dreams in most cases have the same colors and tones as in reality, but colored clouds seen by a person are the "palette" of an invisible artist. In any case, such dreams are a very good sign. For example, pink, blue, and gold clouds signify any future romantic encounters.

Mutual love is not excluded, as well as happiness and harmony in personal life. If the dreamer is fascinated by a beautiful colored sky, then in the near future some voluptuous moments and situations are possible. Maybe the dreamer will plunge headlong into the world of sexual bliss and emotions.

Why else do clouds dream?

In principle, some interpreters are sure that clouds in a dream are a symbol of an upcoming long-distance journey. It is believed that dreams in which a person tries in every possible way to reach the clouds with his hand, but suffers an unconditional fiasco, speak of empty attempts to achieve something. In other words, the dreamer's plans have no future. Dreams in which a person for some reason is on the clouds, but falls from them - a good sign. This, according to interpreters, is a sign of the fulfillment of many of the dreamer's hopes.

Particularly unfavorable interpretations of "cloudy" dreams

Black clouds covering the dreamer's head are a sign of some kind of grief. Failures and disappointments are coming. A black streak in life will replace the more recent dizzying success. Dreams in which clouds obscure the sun have the same meaning. Some interpreters are sure that one of the unfavorable dreams is the one in which clouds press on the dreamer. They promise bitterness from the experienced loss, misfortune.

To go on a long journey with any unpleasant "mission" can make the clouds that raise a person. Flying in a dream on the clouds - to unpleasant changes, shocks and events.

Fiery red clouds predict a national disaster. This can also include general mourning due to certain events taking place in the country, popular unrest, some kind of turmoil, civil war, workers' strikes, etc. Dreams with red-fiery clouds are designed to adjust a person's life to the life of his country, which is not very good. Thunderclouds in a dream are a direct source of danger that will come from outside.
