Why Do Sick Teeth Dream?

Why Do Sick Teeth Dream?
Why Do Sick Teeth Dream?

It can be considered a common truth that the condition of a person's teeth is directly related to his health. For example, good and healthy teeth will not cause concern to their owner, since most of all processes occurring in his body are correct, without disturbances. Sometimes it happens: in reality, the teeth are healthy, but in a dream they are sick, rotten or falling out. It is worth dwelling on this in more detail.

Dreams of bad teeth are bad dreams
Dreams of bad teeth are bad dreams

Why do sick and crumbling teeth dream?

The overwhelming majority of various interpreters describe such dreams as harbingers of any unpleasant situations in the future. It is curious that negative changes can leave their mark on any side of the dreamer's life.

In addition, a number of dream books connect teeth with vitality and family relationships between people. In this case, the teeth will represent the roots of a person. If the dreamer wants to interpret the picture he saw as accurately as possible, then it is important for him to remember which sphere of life at the moment occupies him most of all.

Some interpreters approve of dreams in which a toothache is experienced not by the dreamer, but by strangers. The master of dreams here acts as an outside observer. The result of such dreams is heavy losses on the part of ill-wishers. Enemies and envious people will not be able to fool the dreamer, ruin his reputation or career.

If a person in a dream realizes that his bad teeth are just an artificial prosthesis, then in reality he should think about his life values. The fact is that he is simply being a hypocrite with the people around him. Perhaps in the future it will play a cruel joke on him.

Why do sick teeth dream? Family dream book

Painful teeth in a dream - to disappointment. If they also crumble - to unfulfilled hopes. At the same time, healthy, even and white teeth, according to the family dream book, foreshadow the realization of all planned events. If the dreamer is concerned about the health problems of his relatives and friends, then bad teeth can signal any impending illness of a relative.

Painful teeth according to the Mayan dream book

According to this dream book, sick teeth seen in a dream do not bode well. They symbolize disappointment, health problems, etc. Interpreters of the Mayan dream book generally recommend doing the following: you need to bury it in the ground, burn and throw one chicken egg into the water. Perhaps this will only cause a smile, but Mayan interpreters are sure that this action will help a person subsequently sleep more peacefully.

If sick teeth fall out in a dream and then grow back, good changes are coming. Prosperity in business promises not only the dreamer, but also his children (if he has them). If a toothache is clearly felt, then in reality scandals, reproaches, squabbles are not excluded. If in a dream you find a way to get rid of a toothache, then in reality, most likely, you will be able to avoid family troubles, quarrels and scandals out of the blue.
