Why Do Teeth Dream

Why Do Teeth Dream
Why Do Teeth Dream

According to most dream books, seeing teeth in a dream is an unfavorable sign. But do not be fatal about this. Teeth are just a symbol, depending on the specific plot of the dream, on the chosen dream book and, of course, on the dreamer's sanity. Moreover, such dreams can be directly related to the toothache experienced by the dreamer in reality, i.e. to be "dummies".

Teeth in a dream are predominantly an unfavorable sign
Teeth in a dream are predominantly an unfavorable sign

Why do teeth dream? Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller reports that the teeth seen in a dream portend inevitable trouble. Perhaps they will be caused by communication with unpleasant and absurd people. If the dreamer sees his teeth fall out, problems and a series of worries are ahead. You can forget about the white stripe for a long time. A dream in which a dentist removes teeth portends a lingering illness.

If the dreamer's teeth are knocked out, then there will be trouble: in reality unexpected problems are coming in business or on the personal front. Seeing clean and white teeth in a dream, realizing that everything is in order with them, is an auspicious sign. Finally, the black stripe will change to white. Brushing your teeth in a dream - to fight for your own interests.

Sometimes dentures can be dreamed of. If the dreamer sees how a denture is inserted into him, in reality he is spinning to face a difficult test: if a person in reality can overcome it, he will come out victorious from this "fight". A warning is a dream in which a person examines his own teeth: enemies are awake, care must be taken in business.

Admiring your white and even teeth is a transparent dream: in reality, a person is completely satisfied with certain goals achieved. Rotten teeth speak of troubles, impending health problems caused by excessive stress. Spitting out your own teeth in a dream is a serious illness that threatens both the dreamer and his close friends.

Dreams about dental treatment are auspicious. If the dreamer has cured his teeth, got rid of caries and plaque, in reality he will successfully escape from the clutches of a protracted illness. If such a dream continues in the form of a newly appeared caries or dental plaque, in reality you should beware of unreliable people who are eager to pretty much spoil the dreamer's reputation.

Gustav Miller treats another "tooth" dream. If the dreamer saw that a tooth was removed for him, but could not find this empty space in the gum, then in reality he should abandon some business that was outlined a little earlier. If he does not do this, a vague and dubious result will not be long in coming.

Dream teeth. Dream interpretation of Wangi

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vangelia claims that healthy and white teeth are a sign of the onset of favorable times in the dreamer's life. If the teeth are black and rotten, serious health problems are imminent in the dreamer. Perhaps he works for wear and tear, completely forgetting about the delights of his own life and the fact that he has one!

If teeth fall out in a dream, the sad news of the death of someone close or acquaintance is not far off. If the loss of teeth is accompanied by blood, the death of the closest person is not excluded. To be toothless in a dream means loneliness in old age.
