The well-known joke that women love with their ears has been heard by many. Indeed, as in every joke, there is only a fraction of a joke in it, but the rest is true. Nondescript, but known for their eloquence, men have always had many admirers, especially among women. Therefore, it is important to be able to find a common topic of conversation with a girl in order to interest her in your persona.

Step 1
Don't make a common mistake or shower her with compliments. The compliment is good and appropriate in strictly metered portions. If you really want to do it, then do not hold back, but try to express your delight without the help of hackneyed phrases, come up with something original. When a compliment sounds natural, any girl will appreciate your sincerity and silently note your good taste.
Step 2
Talk to her about what she does, about her studies or work. Give her the opportunity to talk about herself. Ask her detailed questions, the answers to which should sound complete, so that she cannot limit herself to monosyllabic sentences. Be attentive, listening to the answer, maybe some point in her story will require additional questions - she will talk about something more emotionally. Such attentiveness to her moods will also cause a positive reaction from the girl.
Step 3
For many girls, pets are a burning topic. Here you can not only listen to her live story, but also share with her funny stories about pets, which you can read in advance on the Internet if you yourself have not had such cases.
Step 4
A wonderful topic that will not leave indifferent any girl is her hobbies. You will give her the opportunity to talk and talk about what really excites her, and you will be able to appreciate how this girl suits you. It is in such a conversation that her character, hobbies and habits will be revealed as much as possible.
Step 5
Talk to her about travel. Ask where she has already been and where else she would like to go. Your impressions of your own trips will be appropriate here. Stock up on a few funny stories related to your own adventure experiences, they will always come in handy.
Step 6
Try to keep your conversation in the form of a dialogue. Answer her questions fully, but do not overload the story with unnecessary unnecessary details. Good conversation is like a tennis game, with the ball constantly flying from player to player.