The topic of conversation with the man you like is a real problem for most girls. As soon as a nice guy starts a conversation, the brain immediately shuts down. So, what to talk about when meeting, in order to interest a man and show himself from the best side.

Step 1
How many times can you hear from men that this is a very beautiful girl, but there is nothing to talk to her about. Even the most attractive woman quickly gets bored and a man's interest in her disappears if communication with her does not work out. The lack of common topics for conversation can greatly ruin the nascent relationship. The right topic of conversation is very important, sometimes even more than the perfect appearance.
Step 2
The safest topic of conversation is the one you know best. Do not try to jump over your head: if you are interested in fashion, but do not understand anything about organic chemistry, then it is better to just compliment the man. You can praise his appearance and complement your praise with the phrase: "I recently read what a combination of colors in clothes is at the height of fashion today."
Step 3
Do not try to be smart and pretend to be a homebrew psychologist. Topics about life and death, reasoning about the meaning of existence, as well as lengthy stories about who you want to see next to you as a husband can immediately scare a man away. Phrases like: "a man should …" or "I want my man to be …" is highly undesirable.
Step 4
Do not have intricate conversations with a man. Be careful not to let the conversation turn into your monologue over time.
Step 5
No need to discuss your ex-men with a new acquaintance. True, often men themselves begin a similar topic, telling an unfamiliar girl about their ex-girlfriend in all the details. So what should you do in a situation like this? The main thing is to drop your emotions, try to respond in a neutral way, and, of course, do not start talking about your ex in return.
Step 6
Never be flattered, even if you have met a man who is much richer than you. This is the main mistake of many women: to start immediately talking about their difficult fate, full of hardships and need, a wealthy man. Your story of a difficult childhood and adolescence may make him feel like you are looking for a man with money, and the rest does not matter to you. Your story may be perceived as a veiled request for material support.
Step 7
Don't tell your man about your health problems. Do not complain to him, even if you are not all right with immunity, health of hair, nails and internal organs.
Step 8
During the conversation, do not try to make the new acquaintance feel sorry for you. If the conversation comes about your ex, then in no case say phrases like "he did not appreciate me …" or "he treated me badly …". No complaints.
Step 9
Stories about hated work are also undesirable, even if your boss has already bothered you, and you feel uncomfortable in a team that looks more like a serpentarium than an office.
Step 10
In fact, there are a lot of topics for conversation on a first date. If you really like each other, then the topics of conversation will be found by themselves, and you will be surprised to notice how easy it is for you to communicate with each other.