Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy Before Delay

Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy Before Delay
Earliest Signs Of Pregnancy Before Delay

Many ladies are accustomed to believe that the absence of menstruation is a fundamental factor in an interesting position. Some, on the contrary, believe that there are the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay, based on which, you can quickly calculate the unusual state of the body.

Earliest signs of pregnancy before delay
Earliest signs of pregnancy before delay

How long can you establish the fact of pregnancy?

In obstetrics and gynecology, it is established that the day of the start of pregnancy is the day of the beginning of the last menstruation. This is explained by the fact that conception occurs on the day of ovulation. In a woman with a constant cycle of 28 days, this event can occur on the 14th day.

It is incorrect to assume and count the beginning of pregnancy from the date of the last intercourse. The thing is that the sperm, getting into the vagina, can be there in a viable state for up to a week. During this period, his meeting with the egg is not excluded. Considering that the egg is capable of fertilization only for 36 hours, and then it loses this ability, it is rather difficult to say with accuracy how many days you can find out about pregnancy after intercourse. Many women claim to have experienced the state of pregnancy in the first two weeks, most likely it was just far-fetched. Are there even the very first signs of pregnancy before the delay?

Signs of pregnancy after conception

After conception, a number of significant changes occur in a woman's body. First of all, hormonal changes are observed. The hormone progesterone and chorionic gonadotropin are produced. It is these shifts that may indicate changes and the beginning of pregnancy.

The very first signs of pregnancy are characterized by sudden mood swings, nausea and heartburn. In almost 100% of cases, breast enlargement is observed, accompanied by darkening of the nipples. Many women feel discomfort and discomfort when touching the mammary glands. Smell and taste preferences often change. Craving for salty and sour is inherent, perhaps, half of the fair sex at the beginning of pregnancy.

On the 12th day after conception, bleeding from the vagina may appear. The amount is not more than a few drops. This is the first sign that a fertilized egg has attached to the wall of the uterus.

Malaise, headaches and deterioration in general condition are also signs of pregnancy in the first days after conception. This is due to the fact that the activity of the body's immune system decreases, this is explained by the exclusion of embryo rejection. If symptoms similar to colds are observed, you should consult a doctor, since any use of antipyretic drugs can be fraught with the expectant mother.

With the onset of pregnancy, symptoms such as: increased blood pressure, decreased sexual desire for a partner, pain in the lower back, edema may appear.

Traditional methods of detecting pregnancy

Our grandmothers believed that if there is snoring, a metallic taste in the mouth and the appearance of spider veins on the chest, then this indicates that pregnancy has come. There is no scientific confirmation of this fact, so to believe it or not - you need to decide on your own.
