How To Understand That You Are Pregnant Before The Delay: Characteristic Symptoms And Signs

How To Understand That You Are Pregnant Before The Delay: Characteristic Symptoms And Signs
How To Understand That You Are Pregnant Before The Delay: Characteristic Symptoms And Signs

In women with a regular cycle, menstruation begins every month with an accuracy of almost a minute. If the cycle has not started, you can suspect that fertilization has occurred and do a test. But there are situations when conception is a long-awaited and planned event, so a woman can start looking for the first hints of pregnancy, even if some time remains before menstruation. What signs of pregnancy before a delay are most likely to confirm a successful conception, can you always rely on them?

how to understand before the delay that you are pregnant
how to understand before the delay that you are pregnant

During pregnancy (even at the earliest stages), a large-scale restructuring begins in the body. The changes affect all systems - from the endocrine and nervous to the cardiovascular and digestive systems. It is from them that you can understand that pregnancy after ovulation has finally come.

How to find out about pregnancy at home

1) Fainting, weakness and dizziness. Pregnancy is accompanied by an increased blood supply to the uterus, during this period the pressure may decrease, there is a feeling of fatigue, dizzy and sometimes there is a feeling that a little more, and you will faint.

2) Change in basal temperature. Even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy, many doctors advise every woman to measure the basal temperature. This helps to determine the date of ovulation with the greatest accuracy. If you notice on the graph that the basal temperature fluctuates between 37, 2-37, 3C, without decreasing or increasing, this may be an indicator that fertilization was successful, and your life will soon change dramatically.

3) Frequent urination. As in the case of dizziness, increased blood supply to the pelvic organs becomes the cause of frequent urination. The urge never seems to stop, even if the bladder is nearly empty. This is another sign that helps to understand before the delay, whether a woman is pregnant or not.

4) Breast swelling and pain. The mammary glands become more sensitive after 7-14 days after successful fertilization. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to those who, during the period and before them, did not have any changes concerning the breast.

5) Mood swings. Joy, followed by tears, apathy and periods of cheerfulness that follow it can also talk about pregnancy before the delay.

6) Changes in the digestive system. It is possible to determine pregnancy before the delay by morning nausea, vomiting, heartburn. These unpleasant companions of an interesting position are explained by hormonal changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother. In some cases, pregnancy is characterized by strange taste preferences: someone is drawn to salty, smoked and spicy, and someone is unable to tear himself away from sweets, although before that he was completely indifferent to them.

Of course, the listed signs cannot be called a 100% guarantee that a woman has become pregnant. Pressure surges and dizziness can be triggered by overwork and stress, the temperature rises with various colds, urination can signal infections in the urinary system, even the breast can swell not due to conception, but for a variety of reasons, including dairy diseases glands. In order not to be disappointed and not to indulge in false hopes, it is best to wait for the expected day of menstruation - if they have not come, then it's time to go to the pharmacy for a test.
