Signs And Symptoms Of Depression In A Child

Signs And Symptoms Of Depression In A Child
Signs And Symptoms Of Depression In A Child

Depression is a disease that can manifest itself even at an early age. Depressive disorder poses a certain threat to the formation of the child's personality, and the condition can be difficult to diagnose. What are the signs of the development of childhood depression?

Signs and symptoms of depression in a child
Signs and symptoms of depression in a child

The insidiousness of childhood depression lies in two main points. Firstly, the child does not know how to accurately describe his feelings and sensations, it can be difficult for him to specifically explain to his parents what and where he hurts, what worries him and why. Second, depression in childhood in most cases is masked, it is characterized by a variety of physiological signs. Parents often interpret somatic symptoms as some kind of organic disease, but medical examinations and treatment do not give any meaningful result. In addition, childhood depression is characterized by extensive symptomatology, which complicates accurate diagnosis. Therefore, children are often given a variant of asthenic syndrome or the initial stage of psychopathy. Asthenia, psychopathy, and other disorders require therapies that are not usually used to correct depression. Therefore, such therapy does not give positive results.

The danger of childhood depression is that it can go undetected for a long time. Parents can engage in physical health, consider that the child is simply showing a whimsical character. Children's depression can begin at a very early age, but it is only in adolescence that parents, teachers and psychologists at school, and medical specialists can suspect its presence. By that time, a depressive disorder is already leaving a serious imprint on the development of the child's personality, and can lead to truly irreversible consequences. In addition, depression is often accompanied by a change in hormonal levels, which will directly affect the physiology of the child.

Common physical manifestations of depression in childhood

Most often, a depressive state in childhood is disguised as problems of the gastrointestinal tract. The child begins to constantly complain of abdominal pain, nausea, hiccups, belching and heartburn. In some cases, vomiting may be present. A child's appetite during depression is usually unstable. In depression, digestive disorders are characteristic: constipation in childhood can be replaced by severe diarrhea.

Headaches and dizziness, ringing in the ears, and problems with focusing are typical of a child's depressive disorder. The child may complain of general malaise, pain throughout the body, from which analgesics do not save. Often, against the background of depression, immunity fails, because the child often begins to get sick with viral, infectious diseases.

The physiological symptoms of childhood depression should also include:

  • metabolic problems, underweight or obesity;
  • muscle weakness, asthenic syndrome;
  • constant tension in the body;
  • lack of strength, persistent fatigue, lethargy;
  • body aches;
  • unreasonable rise in temperature; at the same time, a high temperature in a child can persist for a long time;
  • bronchitis, apnea, snoring, other breathing problems;
  • pallor or cyanosis of the skin; Often, when a child is depressed, bruises or dark circles under the eyes are noted;
  • various skin diseases, herpes, thrush in childhood;
  • VSD, problems with the cardiovascular system.

Childhood depression is characterized by a fainting state, in some cases, fainting occurs.

A child who is depressed may have some of the symptoms typical of epilepsy.

In severe cases, there is a temporary loss of hearing, vision, ability to speak, and move.

In the evening, children with depression have a dramatic increase in physical activity. They can run around the house, scream, and turn restlessly in bed. Their movements appear jittery, awkward, harsh and often meaningless.


Other Common Symptoms of Childhood Depression

With such a disorder, the nervous system suffers greatly. Symptoms of a child's depressive state can manifest themselves through insomnia, nightmares, nervous tics, and loss of nervous sensitivity.

The main signs by which one can suspect the development of a painful condition in a child affect the psyche, emotions. These signs are as follows:

  • sudden mood swings, however, depression, sadness, despondency, apathy dominate;
  • negativism;
  • increased aggression, irritability, anxiety;
  • anxiety, panic attacks;
  • tearfulness or constant proximity to tears, increased sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • isolation, withdrawal into your world and your thoughts;
  • behavioral disorders: the child becomes disobedient, behaves rudely;
  • fixation on negative thoughts, events and emotions;
  • children during depression very often whine, complain of constant boredom, they are not interested in anything, they are not attracted to new toys, they do not seek to play and contact other children;
  • depression, constant feelings of longing, fear of death and loneliness;
  • strong laziness;
  • slow thinking: it becomes difficult for a child to assimilate new information, a child can think about answers for a long time even to basic questions;
  • a sharp deterioration in memory; absent-mindedness;
  • speech, as a rule, becomes slow, often incoherent, inhibited;
  • in a depressed state, children tend to fall into deep thoughtfulness;
  • low self-esteem, shyness;
  • increased indifference can manifest itself in amazing obedience.

Depressive disorder often forms strange and frightening thoughts in the mind of a child. He begins to fear the end of the world or some kind of catastrophe, painfully experiences the moments when he has to part with his mother.

The child becomes gloomy, unsmiling, rude, suspicious, distrustful. In such a painful state, any criticism can be very acutely perceived. Remarks or reproaches cause resentment inadequate in size, and the slightest injustice can provoke a hysteria with screams and tears.

Experts note that childhood depression is characterized by some form of regression. This is manifested in the fact that an already quite adult child suddenly begins to play toys and games intended for babies, asks for a pacifier, demands to be carried in his arms, asks to sleep in his parents' bed. Regression can also manifest itself through thumb sucking.

A depressive disorder is not always accompanied by all these symptoms. However, if the vast majority of symptoms are present and persist for a long time, this is a reason for contacting a specialist.
