Folk Remedies For Depression And Stress

Folk Remedies For Depression And Stress
Folk Remedies For Depression And Stress

Translated from English, the word "stress" means tension, pressure, depression, compression. This is a state of physical and emotional stress that occurs in uncontrollable, difficult situations.

Folk remedies for depression and stress
Folk remedies for depression and stress

About stress and depression

Basically, stress is the body's natural response to external stimuli. Despite the negative emotional coloring of this word, stress can be a reaction to both negative and positive stimuli, since any event can be assessed as an "aggressor". According to physiologist Hans Selye, anything that upsets the rhythm of life can cause stress, be it a passionate kiss or a painful blow.

Sometimes long-term negative stress leads to a deterioration in the state of the psyche and the body as a whole. The onset of depression can manifest itself as a constant feeling of deep sadness, longing, hopelessness and worthlessness. The prevalence of low self-esteem, a decrease in interest in a favorite hobby and even simple daily activities - food, personal hygiene, solving household issues and, often, communicating with people. Prolonged depression must necessarily proceed under the supervision of specialists, since the consequences of this disease, which is not undergoing treatment, can be very serious.

In traditional medicine, there are many ways to deal with stress and depression, support your body in difficult times, and avoid mental imbalance.

Fight against the enemy

With nervous tension, which often arises when performing various important tasks that require concentration and attention, medicines based on mint, black currant berries, calendula, and chamomile help. Include celery, corn and hazelnuts in your diet to keep your nervous system working.

Tincture of calendula flowers will help relieve headaches and focus. To prepare it, take:

- calendula flowers - 4 tablespoons;

- alcohol solution 40% - 200 ml.

Calendula flowers must be soaked in alcohol solution for two weeks. Be sure to store the tincture jar in a dark place. Strain the tincture before use. Three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, you need to take a mixture of 30 drops of tincture and 50 ml of boiled water.

To improve metabolism and relieve nervous tremors in the hands, take an infusion of sage:

- sage herb - 3 tablespoons;

- water - 150 ml;

- sugar - 1 tsp.

Boil water, dissolve sugar in it and pour sage liquid over it. After 15 minutes, the infusion is ready. Take 150 ml three times a day before meals.

In order to get rid of difficult memories that put pressure on the psyche and worsen well-being, you should take an infusion of motherwort. This plant is often used in the manufacture of various herbal sedatives. To prepare the infusion, pour 15 g of chopped motherwort herb and pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the liquid, take 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

Use lavender leaves or lavender oil to relieve emotional distress. By inhaling the scent of this plant, you get rid of negative emotions.

To improve your mood, take chamomile tincture. Within a week, chamomile flowers are infused in a dark and warm place in forty percent alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. After straining, the infusion is taken orally 30 drops three times a day.
