How To Understand That You Are Pregnant Before Visiting A Gynecologist

How To Understand That You Are Pregnant Before Visiting A Gynecologist
How To Understand That You Are Pregnant Before Visiting A Gynecologist

The most reliable way to determine pregnancy is a hCG test and a visit to a gynecologist. But many other signs are known that indicate the presence of pregnancy even before it is officially established.

How to understand that you are pregnant before visiting a gynecologist
How to understand that you are pregnant before visiting a gynecologist

When pregnancy is expected for a long time and with impatience, a woman is inclined to listen to any changes in her condition. Even in a very short period of time, such changes can be noticeable - in the first or second week, slight dizziness and nausea or vomiting occur. Women experience pregnancy in different ways. One can feel changes in the body as early as a week after fertilization, the other realizes that she is pregnant only after she pays attention to the delay in the menstrual cycle. A pregnancy test or a doctor's consultation can clarify the situation.

Signs of pregnancy

  1. The most famous sign of pregnancy is delayed menstruation. However, this method can be considered reliable only for women with a regular menstrual cycle.
  2. Changes in tastes - due to a lack of any substances in the body, a pregnant woman may develop a craving for foods that she previously treated with coolness. It can be something inedible - chalk and so on. There are cases when women chewed paper.
  3. Due to hormonal changes, the breast may swell, and unusual painful sensations appear. The mother's breast prepares to feed the baby from the very first days of pregnancy.
  4. Frequent urination. This is due to the enlargement of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder and causes frequent urge.
  5. Fast fatiguability. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman may feel frequent fatigue, drowsiness, her memory deteriorates and her attention decreases. This all refers to hormonal changes in the body.

If a woman notes one or even several of the listed signs, this does not mean that she is pregnant. But this is a reason to be wary and try to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible.
